Voice Samples

My voice is a work in progress.  Here are some samples, starting in the Fall of 2017....

2017-09-19 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/njr4pa635jz68c8/Jabberwocky%20Opening.wav?dl=0

2018-02-19 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/qyotzzupujfwomn/Feminine%20Voice%20-%202018-02-19.wav?dl=0

2018-04-04 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/m960jv041cf4ojt/Jabberwocky%20-%202018-04-04.wav?dl=0

2018-07-15 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/075anwyhq37yk52/Gettysburg%20Opening.wav?dl=0

2019-11-09 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/00edex71f8y1f37/Jabberwocky%20-%202019-11-09.wav?dl=0

2022-01-16 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/wj0e9wwg2ac1rml/Jabberwocky%20-%202022-01-16.m4a?dl=0

It's very hard to learn feminine prosody.  Males tend to speak with a relatively monotone type of voice, while females speak in voices that glide up and down within a tonal range.  I'm still far from where I want to be, especially with the masculine resonance picked up by a microphone.  Although I have a reasonable speaking voice now, I can't project it with a loud volume.

Luckily, the sound of my voice is good enough as to not give my transgender nature away.  It was all the effort I went through to develop this voice and to have the chance to use it enough to smooth out its rough edges.

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