Saturday, February 22, 2025

"Who is John Galt?" (A question that has as much meaning today as it did decades ago.)


Normally, I would not be citing Ayn Rand as one of the people who influenced me. She had little compassion for others, and she felt that it was the duty of the prime movers of society to withhold their contributions to that society when second stringers try to take what isn't theirs.  Answering the question "Who is John Galt?" is central to the theme of Atlas Shrugged, as it is John Galt who starts his own revolution against the bandits of society.

As much as I do not believe in Rand's values, I feel that she raised some important questions, questions whose answers were just as important now as when the book was written.  The most important of these questions is what happens when a prime mover is caught in a kleptocracy who wants to steal creations to feather their nests instead of benefiting society.  

It's been a month since the Orange Snowflake has been in office, and we're seeing him attempting to dismantle the social infrastructure which has allowed the common person a sense of security in society.  Medicaid was designed so that the poorest of Americans would have some access to healthcare, and yet its budget is at risk, so that the richest of Americans can get tax breaks.  

Ayn Rand would probably not approve of what America has evolved into, but I think she would be appalled at a government led by a felonious grifter, a man only interested in gaining wealth and power without caring how his actions affect others.  To Rand, there was a nobility in a capitalist who produces something of value, such as Henry Ford and his automobiles, Thomas Edison and his electrical devices, as well as too many others to count.  She would be a palled at the minimally qualified (at best) to be in the Snowflake's cabinet, as well as the party hacks who would ignore his criminality to remain in positions of power.

In a way, Rand's work is as relevant as ever, but not in the way she intended.  When a society has developed a safety net meant to protect its citizens in times of need, would she advocate for its dismantling to enrich society's "bandit class"?  I doubt it. She would likely be advocating for it to be made as efficient as possible, so that as little money as possible is taken from the productive class of that society.  She may not have believed in such a safety net.  But she likely would be just as (if not more) appalled that a bandit class is trying to take that wealth for itself.

I don't recall Rand saying much against the poorest members of society.  There would always be marginalized classes in society (racial discrimination, ethnic discrimination, gender discrimination, etc.) and she believed that market forces would eventually correct these evils.  However, she could not see that there were some problems which could not be resolved in the marketplace, nor could she see any situations where markets could fail. She neglects problems that could only be solved with non market based solutions.  A good example of this would be eliminating Jim Crow in America's south.  The powers that were depended on a subservient black labor force to maintain a corrupt society.  Only by external pressure and non market solutions could this problem be addressed.  And the Orange Snowflake appears to be willing to reinstate that way of life to pay off his friends in the bandit class.

Having read Atlas Shrugged, I feel that Rand was advocating a rebellion against the bandit class by withholding support of their regimes.  Only do business with honorable businessmen, and let the society corrupted by the bandits collapse on its own. Years ago, the movie "Network" made famous the phrase: "I'm made as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!"  Maybe, just maybe, someone has to be the first to strike out against he bandit class.  Hopefully, Luigi Mangione was the first person who says for all of us, that we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore.

Friday, February 21, 2025

One month down, Forty Seven more to go.


As I write this, we have seen serious damage done to our democratic institutions.  We now have a government which no longer wants to check and balance the power of the chief executive.  

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We have already seen incompetent yes-men confirmed to the Orange Snowflake's cabinet.  We have already seen threats against our most important trading partners that resulted in making us a pariah among nations.  (Did we really need to threaten a trade war to stroke the Orange Grifter's ego?) We are seeing a government in the act of destroying itself from within.  In the guise of "America First", we are destroying the "soft power" we had to influence nations.  In the guise of making government more efficient, we now have incompetent cronies running their areas of the government, making the government less efficient.

Let's look at the Department of Education.  It's targeted for elimination by this regime.  What will happen to its functions?  Will the handicapped be able to get the assistance needed to get an appropriate education?  (I doubt it.)  Will the poor students still get the breakfasts and lunches needed, so that they can function in school?  (I doubt it.)  Will we have anyone responsible for holding the states accountable to see that students' rights are respected?  (Absolutely not!)

The best example of the nonsensical appointments being made by the Orange Snowflake is RFK Jr.  Here's a man who rallied against vaccinations, a tool which helped eliminate diseases such as polio in the United States.  He claims that he will respect science, but his track record proves he will not.  Having met the man once, all I can say about him is that he is a Kennedy male.  (Read into that what you will.)  But I think that the worm he says ate part of his brain affected his common sense.

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As Margo Channing said: "Fasten your seat belts, this is going to be a bumpy ride."

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Eastern Caribbean Cruise - Follow-up Thoughts (02/03/25)


This was a day that I completed some tasks, but left more of them undone.  There's the old adage that one needs a vacation following a vacation to recharge from the first vacation.  And that seems true for the two of us.  RQS rushed to make final payment for our New England/Eastern Canada cruise - I guess she wants to make sure that the cruise is paid for while she has the money to pay for the cruise.  (And I can't blame her for doing so.)  I'll pay my share of the remaining monies owed later on this week.  And then we can look into a Bermuda cruise to be taken earlier in the spring.

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I never thought that I'd warm up to MSC cruises after my December 2023 cruise to Florida and the Bahamas.  However both the cruise line and I have changed a bit since then.  The ship has improved its food and entertainment offerings since my last cruise, and I have developed realistic expectations for an inexpensive cruise on this ship. Given the price of cruising these days, MSC has become much more attractive than it used to be for me. I know how to get value from their cruises, and I know not to use them for "bucket list" cruises.

There are times where I miss cruising with my former cruise partner.  Yet, we got into a big rut over time.  Although I made a big mistake which ended our friendship, I still look upon the times we had together as good times.  Yet, these were times that couldn't last forever.  Cruising with her took time away from what I should have been spending with my then girlfriend.  This time around, I make sure that RQS comes with me, with a rare exception or two.

If more cruise lines offered true solo cabins at a reasonable price, I'd have considered cruising more often.  However, I often find that on the lines that do offer solo cabins, the prices for these cabins often exceed that of a double occupancy cabin.  So, it is nice to again have a partner to sail with - especially one who is also my romantic interest.

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There are many places to go and so little time and money available to make those trips possible.  Hopefully, I will soon have the resources to do another bucket list trip.  I'll inform my readers if that does happen....

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Eastern Caribbean Cruise - Debarkation Day (02/02/25)


Our ship was situated outside New York harbor until roughly 5 am, when the ship started to make port in Brooklyn and end our cruise. The above picture was taken from the ship's port side camera's TV feed.  It's far from the same view when taken from a balcony cabin.

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Neither RQS nor I got enough sleep overnight, and I was awake from 3 am onwards.  Around 7 am, we went to the main dining room for one last time for breakfast.  A lady at the table next to us was on the same cruise I was on for my first MSC cruise, and had similar opinions as I did regarding that cruise. Luckily for us, this cruise was much better all around - the food was better and the entertainment was better.  Yet, service was still hit or miss. Our conversation turned to the day's politics, and people at the table next to her joined in - none of us liked what the Orange Snowflake was doing in DC.

Once breakfast was over, we killed time waiting for our disembarkation group to be called.  Our number was called shortly before 9:30 am, and we proceeded to pick up our luggage and kill time inside the terminal, avoiding having to spend excess time in the cold waiting for a ferry that would take us to Atlantic avenue where we'd summon an Uber.  I noticed that staff was allowing handicapped people to take a shortcut and bypass the snaking line leading to the Customs/Immigration stations on our way out of the building.  So I told RQS to take out her cane, and we saved 15 minutes which we'd spend waiting for the ferry. The ferry came at 10:35, and we were at Atlantic avenue by 11 am, and the Uber got us back to RQS's place by 11:30 am.  However, I would still have to wait before I could go home - my brother couldn't pick me up until 4 pm.  So, I rested a while, and my brother arrived when expected.  

We were at the family homestead 30 minutes later, and we discussed what was needed to bring the house up to snuff for rental.  In addition to absolutely needed repairs, we may end up adding a half bath in the basement to increase the rent we can charge. Then, finally, I loaded my bags into my car and drove home.  With a stop for dinner and some food shopping factored in, it didn't take me long to get home.  Finally, I can sleep in my own bed again!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Eastern Caribbean Cruise - Sea Day (02/01/25)


This would be the last day for us on the ship.   This would be the last day that we could leave our towels on the floor and have them replaced with clean ones by the room steward.  This would be the day where we would have to pack our suitcases and leave them by the door, so that we could pick them up at the pier. And this would be the day that I'd start itemizing what the cruise line did right and did wrong, preparing to write an email to the cruise line's customer service department.

But what would I write about?

Well, the first thing that comes to mind is the questionable service in the main dining room for breakfast, brunch, and lunch.  Unlike dinner service (where you sit at the same table, at the same time, and are served by the same staff), breakfast, brunch and lunch service has people sitting at random tables, at random times during the meal's dining schedule, and has multiple servers providing uncoordinated service.  One could place a meal order with one person, have a bar order taken by a second person, and food delivered by a third.  It seems like no one is talking to each other during morning and afternoon meals, leaving many cruisers unhappy.  To make things worse, our lunch server reached over the table next to us to hand us our dessert plates.  If I were running a restaurant, this would be unacceptable service.

Like the closet in my studio cabin on my first cruise with this line, the closet in our cabin has hinged doors.  This is not a problem when a cabin has enough space for doors to open, like our current interior cabin.  But this is a big problem for the line's studio cabins, as the opened sofa-bed blocks the doors, and limits access to the closet. Unlike other cruise lines, the space in this cabin is not designed to store much.  In my interior cabin on last year's California Trip, I had at least twice as much space to store things than I have on this cruise - in a similarly sized cabin.  I will likely suggest that they retrofit the closets in their studio cabins to use sliding doors, as this would be a great benefit to future cruisers.

Yet, there are good things I can say as well.  The comedians on both of my most recent cruises were good, and made us want to see them more than once. We were both Food served in the main dining room was plentiful, albeit under-spiced to many Americans' tastes.  (It's easier to add salt to a dish than to take it away.)  Dinner service in the main dining room was very good, and everyone there was very attentive to our needs. We didn't need to dine at any of the specialty restaurants, and we were glad we made the choice not to do so.

Readers may notice the scooter in the hallway at the top of this entry.  Our steward said that MSC doesn't have a policy against scooters being left in the hall.  This can be a big problem in case of an emergency.   There is not enough room for a wheelchair to roll through the hall when a scooter takes up more than half the hall's width.  I'll be sure to note this as a major risk factor in my email, even though I didn't want to complain while onboard the ship - why make things harder for people who need these scooters and ruin their cruises?

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Back to our day....

After breakfast, we had to pack.  So we both loaded up our suitcases and readied them for the transport from the ship to the pier.  Then came our last lunch and dinner in the main dining rooms.  We said farewell to our waiter, then it was back to the cabin to finish packing.  We were mildly disturbed by the steward when he came for the beach towels.  Yet, this was the perfect opportunity for us to hand him a tip in person.

Both of us felt as if our belongings had grown while we were on the ship.  As I write this, I'm hoping that I packed my large suitcase to its capacity and left enough room in my backpack and carry-on to handle the rest of my stuff.


Monday, February 17, 2025

Eastern Caribbean Cruise - Sea Day (01/31/25)


We finally got moving time to go to the main dining room for breakfast.  This is often a miracle, given how RQS likes to sleep late (and I have little reason to interrupt this).  However, we will need to get up very early for us when Sunday comes, as we will need to be out of the cabin before 7:30 am.

But first....

Sea days on a cruise can be very relaxing.  However, on this ship, there are absolutely no places where one can relax in a place designed to be quiet at all times outside of one's cabin.  The design of this ship almost forces one to spend money, as there is no library or card room in which to escape the racket in the common areas.  For example, we got out of a show around 10:15 pm, and the ship was holding a loud dance party in the atrium/galleria - a place in which we'd need to walk through on our way back to our cabin.   

Today, we got up early enough to get breakfast in the main dining room.  Unfortunately, so did so many other people.  To make it worse, the 8 am crowd didn't make it on line until 9 am, as many forgot to set their clocks backward the night before.  So, we ended up being part of an overflow crowd which was treated to far from spectacular service for breakfast.  RQS complained (not at me, but venting with me) that they didn't pay much attention to her multiple requests for water until I raised the issue.  In short, it was another one of those "Ignore the woman, Pay attention to the man" moments that most women find bothersome.  At least, we were able to avoid the buffet for another day.

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Dinner tonight would be another chance to get dressed up for dinner.  I will make sure that RQS and I get to a couple of photo stations before entering the dining room.  This way, we would be able to get at least one nice picture of the two of us to frame. And this we did, getting several sets of pictures from different photographers.  To make things better, we met our friends from the first 2 nights; dinners, and exchanged phone numbers.  So we'll be able to meet up with them the next time we're near DC.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Eastern Caribbean Cruise - Sea Day (01/30/25)

Another sea day, and we woke up late enough to barely miss breakfast in the main dining room.  As usual, the buffet was crowded, and had little to interest us.  

But first...

As this cruise winds down, I find myself looking forward to being home again.  No, it's not that this is a bad cruise.  Instead, it's because I'm looking forward to my old routine, and to seeing friends in Marian mode. With this being said, I'll miss lunches and dinners where the utensils are changed with every service.  I'll miss someone making up my bed and replacing my towels after I leave the cabin for a while.  I'll miss being able to visit new places, and not having to do much of anything to get there.

Today's lunch was Italian themed.  It was not a big difference from the usual lunches on sea days, save that the menu was presented differently than would be on a normal sea day.  After 8 days of being on the ship, I'm starting to get tired of all this rich food coming my way.  One thing I can say about this cruise is that if you are going hungry. it's all your fault.

After lunch, it was back to the cabin where I caught up a little on my reading. All too soon, it was time for dinner.  Once we were seated, we chatted with the Maitre D', and found out that our friends from the first 2 nights on the ship have been eating in the buffet, as they have more vegan offerings that the gentleman could eat.  However, he'd likely be coming to dinner tomorrow, as it's another Gala Night.

Finally, after a chance to rest, it was time to see the comedian for a late night show.  It's the one time I want to be out of the cabin after 10 pm.

This is how my car puts on mileage

  Lately, RQS has been dealing with a few health issues.  Several days ago, a specialist told her that she had to go to the emergency room a...