Saturday, February 1, 2025

It'll have been 11 days so far....


By the time you read this, the Orange Snowflake will have been in office for 11 days.  I have my worries about this man and his worsening dementia, and the people who support him without question.  Will some people keep him in check?  Or, will he go F'ing nuts when power is restored to him?  Only time will tell.

Right now, people like Sarah McBride are biding their time until they have the power to change things.  It doesn't pay for her to challenge the GOP leadership to assert her rights.  But that time will come.  The GOP will eventually lose control of government, as they have done in the past.  For those of us who can blend in, my advice is to do so - but to be honest about who you are if anyone asks.  This might not be a viable option for many deep in a red state.  But it has always worked for me in the Hudson Valley and elsewhere.

The Orange Snowflake knows nothing about how tariffs work, nor does he have a firm grasp on anything essential to the running of government, save to put "Yes Men" with major flaws in positions of power.  He can not afford to have anyone challenge him - especially with the 25th amendment in mind. When confronted by one friendly reported on who would pay the tariffs he proposes, he acts like China (and other countries) would pay to sell their goods here without affecting the purchasing price paid by the American consumer.  The problem here is that he wants to use a machete when a surgeon's scalpel is called for.  Do we need high tariffs on European goods, where wages and other costs are similar to that in North America?  Yet, it would make sense to have high tariffs on Chinese goods, considering their low wages, and the use of Uighurs as slave labor. Universally low tariffs have caused the decline of American manufacturing, as it was cheaper to export jobs to nations with low wages and few worker protections.  In short, a broken clock can be right twice each day, and the Orange Snowflake's idea of tariffs shouldn't be dismissed out of hand - it should be refined by professionals, so that the right approach is used by the US.

I expect that the Justice Department to be politicized.  The Snowflake doesn't care about justice.  He wants revenge against his perceived enemies.  I'll be watching the news to see if he goes after the January 6th committee, as well as anyone who opposed him.  Most people who read this blog know that I use an alias when communicating with the Transgender community.  This doesn't mean that I can't be found if someone wants to go after me.  Instead, it slows down any potential attack on me.

It is likely that some Transgender people will be persecuted by politicians who are also religious zealots.  They  may consider fleeing the country.  Although it is illegal to enter Canada without going through a legal checkpoint, our border is mostly unguarded.  There are towns (and buildings) that sit on the border.  If one feels that they might be targeted because of politics, one might consider finding a way to reach the border without leaving electronic bread crumbs.  No cell phones or late model cars would be safe in this attempt.  Remember, Abbie Hoffman stayed on the lam for years using the alias of "Barry Fried".  This might be a way to wait things out if things go sour in our country.

Remember - most people don't give a damn about us.  This will work for and against us.  Try to use that knowledge to your best advantage....

Friday, January 31, 2025

A day I should have done more things, but didn't

I had only one thing to take care of today, and I was lucky to even get that in because of how lazy I was feeling.  Did I really want to go out in the cold?  No!  But I had to pick up RQS's dress at the cleaner's, so that she'd have it onboard the cruise we'll be taking soon.  That forced me to get out of bed and get ready to go outside.  And today might be the last day I can spend even part of my time in Marian mode.

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The first thing I did upon waking up was to get my head together and figure out what I was going to do for the day.  One of the things on my list was to check in with DCD's ex to see if he made it back to her place.  (This would trigger her dumping him back at the hospital, saying that the man is homeless and has nowhere to live - her house was off limits.)  No news on that front.

Next, I expected a phone call from a firm which provides dietary and lifestyle coaching.  My doctor recommended this organization's services to me, saying that they could help me lose weight.  Given that I'm going on a cruise soon, I said that I'd look to start things up when I return from my upcoming cruise.

And then, I finally got showered and dressed to attack the world as Marian.  I wanted to wear my sweater dress.  But to do so, I needed to wear some thermal tights.  One problem.  The flannel tights I have are not control top tights.  So I felt that everything kept slipping down in back as I moved.  (Next time, I'll wear a pair of control top tights and put up with a little bit of the cold.)  Once dressed and made up, I was off to the tailor's to pick up the dress. The last time I was at this dry cleaning/tailoring shop, a different lady ran the place.  Now, the place looks more minimal than in the past, and the former proprietor was gone. This was a shame - I liked the former proprietor, and wished I could have struck up another conversation with her.

Not having any plans of where to go, it was off to Barnes and Noble to look at some books and kill time.  I knew that when I got home, that I would have to start packing for my upcoming cruise, as I had to drop off a large suitcase at RQS's place this weekend.  Arriving home, I found a package from Lane Bryant which contained matching panties for a nightie she gave me for Xmas.  I intend to wear the set for her when she's up here for Valentine's day.

Finally, I got around to packing.  This was my least favorite chore for the day, as I would have to be out and about as Mario for over a week.  At least, RQS and I agreed on the shore excursions we plan to take in San Juan.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Co-Op, The Bank, and DCD - - screw ups and disasters.


Over the past 12 days, I have had a cough that won't go away. It has eased off a bit, and I am confident that it will be gone soon.  At my worst, I felt like the model above - as if some angry force had lodged itself in the back of my throat, and I had trouble coughing up the crap in my lungs.

- - - - - -

Today, I cancelled a meetup, as I wasn't in the mood to be with a large group for dinner.  Instead, I wanted to play it safe and stay home.  Given that I had to go to the bank to transfer money for my co-op, I was going to be stuck in Mario mode for the day.  There was no longer any need to change back to Marian for the evening, so I took this as an opportunity to get little things done, such as 2 loads of laundry.

My first stop was the bank.  I was tasked with transferring a sum of money from an expired CD to our savings account.  A manager said that I could go to a teller to perform this transfer, and I did so.  15 minutes later, the teller moved money in the wrong direction and asked for help.  So, I had to wait another 10 minutes for the manager, and then she took another 15-20 minutes to undo the teller's mistake and move money to its proper location.  And even then, the manager wasn't absolutely sure she did the right thing, saying that she'd call in the morning to confirm that the transaction was correct.

Now, I could go back home after a quick stop at the local pizzeria for lunch, and I rested until 7 pm when I started to do my laundry.  Just as I was about to put my clothes in the dryer, DCD's ex called.  N wanted to tell me a little more about what was going on.  When she got home from work, she found him curled up on her bed, looking like he was one of the homeless found in the NYC Subway.  She took him to the local hospital, as something was very wrong, and left him there.  She told me of a second, inoperable tumor that was found in DCD's brain, and the radiation therapy DCD went through.  After his first brain surgery, radiation therapy, and the COVID epidemic, DCD was no longer the same person N fell in love with.  Now, all N wants is for DCD to be a ward of the state, so that someone better capable than her would take responsibility to see DCD is cared for.

I was able to finish my laundry and fold it before I called RQS.  I have yet to pack for my upcoming cruise.  That will have to wait until tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Doctor, Car, Co-Op and DCD (the latter two being F****d Up messes.


I should start out by saying that I knew that this would be a busy day.  What I didn't know was how much this day would take out of me.

But first....

My doctor visit was scheduled for 10:45.  I knew that it would be a long visit, as the doc tends to run late with his late morning appointments.  Today was no exception.  Even though I arrived at 10:45, the doc didn't see me until 11:10-11:15 or so.  Again, the doc is changing my medication mix to get things where he wants them.  However, he didn't say anything about one of the drugs he wanted me to start on a while back - before we knew that it could be covered by my formulary.

After seeing the doctor, it was off to the deli for a breakfast sandwich, and then home to rest.  One problem - I thought my car service appointment was for 2 pm, and not for 1 pm.  So I didn't have much time to rest.  Luckily, I live 15 minutes away from the dealership's service department, and got there on time.  So, I was back home by 3 pm.

I couldn't take a nap.  So I ended up watching YouTube videos until the Co-Op board meeting started. Before everyone joined in, I found out the current state of our finances - and they weren't as good as I'd like to see them.  Later on, I found out how our former management company fouled things up.  In short, their arrogance and lack of adequate communication with the board and co-op shareholders is the root cause of our difficulties. All I can say about this is that I'm glad that we have a good accountant and a good lawyer we can count on if things go bad.

And finally, I got a text from DCD's ex-girlfriend (I'll call her N for now).  He really screwed up this time, and no one's going to help him get out of his mess.  DCD has been sleeping in his car for a while, and let his car insurance lapse.  N has been giving DCD work to pay some of his bills, and she wants to be done with him.  If N's boyfriend were to find out how much she still helps DCD, he'd leave her.  So, she keeps what she does for DCD a secret from her current boyfriend.  Recently, DCD received some money from his mom and gave N a token payment for all the money he owes her.  You'd think that with the rest of the money he had, he'd bring his car insurance up to date.  Wrong.  A few days ago, he had no money, and asked N for some money to get gas.  N gave him $20, and told him to take a gas can, walk a mile or two to the gas station, and return to the car with gas.  Under no circumstances should he call AAA or similar roadside aid for help.  DCD ignored her, and called for a tow.  Someone ran his plates, and found that the car wasn't insured.  DCD's car was towed to a pound, and he was left without transportation.  He now has 30 days to bail out the car and get it insured, or the car will be gone for good.  (And with that, there goes any chances I have of getting the $2,100 he still owes me for the car.)  To make things worse, he broke into N's place, and is now squatting in her garage. 

If it were me, I'd consider being honest with my current love, and telling the truth.,  If N's boyfriend were to leave, then he isn't worth her time.  She needs to kick DCD out of her place once and for all.  He is sick, and needs help.  He still uses N's place for his mail, so that he can keep Connecticut residency.  One problem - he shouldn't be listed as living there anymore.  What would you do if you were N?  What type of help should DCD's parents give him, even if it is to steer him to a shelter and public assistance.  (Remember, DCD has had two operations on his brain, and might qualify for public assistance, being physically/mentally unable to hold a full time job,)  It's a dilemma for which I have no solutions. And I can say that I didn't depend on him paying me off for the car....

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

I was still feeling ill enough to cancel lunch plans with Vicki (a short post)


I almost thought I'd be well enough to have lunch with Vicki today.  But a laughing fit while watching TV with RQS proved me wrong.  So, I reluctantly put off lunch - and wisely so.

But first....

For the past few days, I've been kept awake by my unpredictable coughs waking me up as I was about to fall asleep.  It's amazing that I've been able to stay awake during the daytime lately.  Yet, I digress.  RQS got up an hour later than I did, and we started watching YouTube videos.  One of which was a video by Gabriel Iglesias ("Fluffy") talking about a "Racist Gift Basket."  And I ended up laughing so hard that my cough was triggered continuously, and I almost choked.  At this point, I decided to text Vicki to tell her that I couldn't make it to dinner.

Around 2 pm, Idropped RQS off at the train station, then picked up a slice of pizza as I was hungry.  After leaving a message for Vicki on her phone, she was finally able to get back to me to confirm receipt of my messages.  Then, I ended up going home for the rest of the day.  

At least, I'll be seeing my GP tomorrow.

Monday, January 27, 2025

A short post about a "Butt Dialed" phone call.


Today's post will be a short one.  Although I'm getting over my cold, I am tired and don't want to be distracted later on....

The other day, I got a phone call from my former cruise partner (FCP).  Given how exhausted I was feeling that day, I didn't message her until several days later on.  Those of you who have read my blogs know that our relationship didn't end on a happy note.  So I wondered why she called.

Given that I didn't know what she wanted, or whether the call was accidental, I decided to send her a text message.  I belatedly wished her a Happy Holiday season, and acknowledged the call, noting that I was sick and had the ringer on my phone turned off.  There was no way I could focus on a phone call that day, as it tool all the energy I had to go about my daily business.

Will she call again?  Will she respond to my message?  Who Knows?  But I will try to answer the phone next time, as long as I am able to do so.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

A quick trip to Poughkeepsie and back.


RQS had several things on her docket that had to be taken care of today.  First, we had to take her dress to a seamstress to be altered to fit properly.  Then, it was up to Poughkeepsie to pick up some clothing RQS had ordered and delivered to the store, and finally, to pick up a space heater to replace one which was recalled.

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Given that I am still recovering from a bug, I didn't get moving until 2 pm, not leaving the house until 3:30 pm.  Our first stop was at the seamstress's place, where RQS spent $50 to get her dress altered.  After we left the shop, we took Route 9a into Peekskill.  Along the way, we saw a gathering of fire trucks (and maybe police cars) blocking the entrance to the Cortlandt Train Station parking lot.  There was no way that I was going to stop and find out.  That could be done later after we got home,

About an hour later, we were up in Poughkeepsie to pick up the package waiting for RQS at Lane Bryant.  Although I parked at the other end of the mall, I figured we could stop into Target before going home.  Sadly, my GI Tract told me that I had to make it home pronto, and that's what we did.  By the time we made it home, I just had enough time to take off my coat before I took care of some important business.

Once done, it was off to the kitchen to start preparing dinner.  After shredding 2 chicken legs w. thighs, we started cooking some string beans, chopping up some scallions, and cooking some noodles before tossing everything into a skillet with peanut sauce.  Yum!  RQS even went back for seconds!!!

The rest of the evening was uneventful.  "Z Nation" was on the idiot box, and we enjoyed some mindless entertainment for the rest of the night.

Attending a meetup

  It's been years since I belonged to this meetup group.  The woman who sponsored it had gotten divorced, closed her restaurant, and mov...