My journey towards femininity, with all the bumps in the road. Who knows where this road will lead? But it certainly will be a prettier road, and one well worth traveling.
Friday, August 27, 2021
An acquaintance has cancer.
Monday, August 23, 2021
It was nice to see a friend today.
Today, I met a friend for lunch. Although we met via OK Cupid, we knew from the beginning that we'd be friends, and not much more. And this is a good thing. She would be a little bit out of my league if we had tried to start a relationship. As friends, we can overlook things that we could not overlook in a romantic partner.
My friend and I have been trying to get together for a while. Her health and her business has gotten in the way, and I hadn't had the opportunity to get together with her since the beginning of summer. So we decided to meet somewhere in the middle (we live 90 minutes from each other), in Beacon.
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No, we didn't go to the restaurant above If we did, we probably would have gotten very sick. In fact, we may have needed the following maneuver performed on us if we choked on our food:
Instead, we went to a place called Meyer's Olde Dutch for an early lunch. It WAS FILLING! My friend, who barely weighs 100 lbs. soaking wet, was filled on her salad. While I was filled on an oversized, overloaded bacon cheeseburger. Yum! I'd go back there again. Over lunch, we talked of many things, such as one Catskills area property not selling. My friend had sold her place for just under $1 million, and within 18 months, it has recently been flipped for $1.700,000. Right now, a place either has to have character, enough vacant land to build a place with character, or be cheap enough for someone to tear it down to build a place with character. The unsold place fits neither of these conditions, So it remains unsold - for now. For the most part, we talked about her business and her upcoming vacation with her boyfriend.
Next on our list of things to do was picking up some gluten free goodies for her boyfriend and his daughter. For this, we made the mistake of walking a little over a mile to a store on the other side of Beacon. And neither of us thought the heat would be getting to us. To make things worse, I was wearing the wrong shoes for this walk, and my right foot loudly announced that this was a big mistake. We sat down for a few minutes, then returned to our cars. Hopefully, she will be able to make her overseas trip soon, as I just learned that her destination country has enacted new quarantine requirements for United States residents.
Once done with my friend, I drove to Poughkeepsie to pick up some stuff at Target. I've been intrigued by the above dress for a while, and to drop $20 to see how it looks on me. It looks comfortable, and it is something I can wear on hot summer days. After I was done with Target, I stopped into Walmart to pick up some food on the way home. It was strange to see an empty space where the in-store McDonald's used to be. But I guess Mickey D wasn't making enough money in their Walmart outlets, and prefers to make its money off of franchisees by renting out the land their franchised restaurants sit on.
Eventually, I made it home and decided to take a nap. Even after 2 hours of rest, I didn't feel rested. I could have easily gone back to sleep. But I decided to stay awake and call up MWL to chat for a little while. While on the call, one of my OK Cupid ladies decided to call me (very late), and I wasn't going to break off my call with MWL to speak with someone for the first time. I was glad when MWL decided to end the call, as both of us were tired after our long days. Hopefully, I'll have more energy for tomorrow's Brunch Meetup in Peekskill.
Attending a meetup
It's been years since I belonged to this meetup group. The woman who sponsored it had gotten divorced, closed her restaurant, and mov...

This is one of my rare entries (other than holiday posts) that comes out on the day something actually happens. Today, we are about to en...
The other day, RQS needed to go to the store to buy some plain underwear, as she didn't have any clean pairs at my apartment. Instead...
I had planned to be with RQS this weekend, but this put me at risk of getting fined by my co-op. By the time I would get home, I expected...