Saturday, July 1, 2023

By the time you read this....


By the time you read this, I will have both gone to a doctor to see about my persistent cough and have gone on my California cruise with RQS.  And I'll have much to report when I get back.

I'm not one who is comfortable going to new doctors, dealing with new procedures, etc. when it comes to my health.  So, it took a badly abscessed tooth to get me going to a dentist on a regular basis.  It took me almost getting pneumonia to start seeing my internist on a regular basis.  It took a former girlfriend to get me to see a sleep doctor. And it took a former friend to get me to see a dermatologist (who I should see again soon). As you can guess, I am nervous about going to the Doc in a Box today, and may write another post about it later on.

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Tomorrow, we'll be flying to LA for our cruise.  On our one full free day in LA, we intend to see my uncle, and then do a little of the tourist thing.  Unfortunately, many of the attractions will close at 5 pm, not giving us enough time to do more than one museum or attraction.  But then, I never loved LA.  Its sprawl befits the description, "LA is a suburb in search of a city." I prefer to be in a traditional city.

Afterward, we will go on our cruise and stop in San Francisco for a couple of days. In a way, this trip is our way of connecting with family on the West Coast. First, we'll visit the place where I scattered my late wife's ashes. RQS won't mind that, as I was with her when she scattered her husband's ashes. (Of course, we'll spend the better part of the two days in San Francisco doing the typical tourist thing.) Then we will sail off to San Diego, where we'll meet up with RQS's cousin for the day. And all too soon, we'll be home.

It's been hard to identify why I am ambivalent about taking this trip.  And now I think I've figured it out.  It will likely be the last time I see my uncle while he's alive.  It may be the last time I visit San Francisco and go where I scattered my late wife's ashes.  It may be the last chance that RQS gets to meet her older cousin.  In short, it's a trip with a set of "Lasts" that is giving me a sense of sadness before it begins.

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A while back, FCP criticized me, saying that I had nothing going on in my life. (I take this slightly out of context, as I don't want to rehash old wounds.)  I think she'd now say that I have a life of my own. It's far from perfect, but it's my life and I'm living it.

RQS makes me glad that she's in my life.  Unlike Ex-GF-M, RQS is willing to try new things when with me.  She is willing to get a little lost along the way, and explore what serendipity brings to us.  Unlike XGFJ, she's willing to force the issue and make me tell her how I feel.  And unlike my relationship with Patty, our relationship is built on solid ground - we both feel secure.  It's a shame that it took me almost 25 years to find a relationship that really works for me. But as they say, "you've got to kiss a few frogs before you find a prince(ss)."  

Friday, June 30, 2023

I may be going to a "Doc in a Box" tomorrow

I haven't been feeling well for a little over a week.  First, I felt that I was getting over a very mild case of the flu. And when I felt better, a cough set in that won't go away.  So, I will likely go to a local "Doc in a Box" before trekking down to RQS's place later in the day.

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It's frustrating when one has too much planned for a day, and then lets an important thing slip.  In my case, I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to be back on time to start the co-op board meeting, especially when vendors were calling in from 3 pm onward.  So I put things off, and will need to deal with this persistent cough tomorrow morning.

Luckily, the co-op board meeting went well.  We got much more done than usual, because we had done a lot of the leg work beforehand.  We also took a more active part in vendor selection than we had done in the past - and we now are reasonably sure which vendor we will use for work scheduled to start in the Summer. In addition to interviewing prospective vendors, we interviewed a prospective buyer.  In this case, we were unable to come to a decision, as there were complicating factors to be considered.  So when in doubt, ask for more information and see what shows up.

By the time this overly long meeting ended, my coughs were bothering me.  Even TCL said that I should have seen a doctor today when she called, and RQS recommended that I make the Doc in a Box my first stop after I get up tomorrow morning.

Keep your fingers crossed for me....

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Trying to get things done with no energy


Lately, I have been dealing with a lack of energy to do things. If I have something scheduled for the day, I have no problems getting moving.  But if not, then it is a different matter.  Over the past few days, I have felt out of sort, feeling like I was getting over a cold early last week, and then having a cough settle in my chest later on.  And a week later, this cough still lingers - even though I have been taking cough suppressant medicine to get to sleep and to make it through the day.

Considering that I will be taking a trip soon, I'm going to try to see my doctor for a last minute visit.  One problem, I also have a LONG co-op board meeting that I must attend because we are interviewing vendors and dealing with issues I won't describe here.  There is too much going on, and not enough of me to go with it.  Luckily, I found the time to do laundry tonight.

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Since this would be the last day for two weeks that I'd be able to present as Marian, I made sure to get out and about in the new dress I got from Universal Standard.

I love the color of the dress, but it's a little "off" for my figure, as I don't have a defined waist.  Yet, with the right cardigan over it, it'll work well for me.  So, I put the dress on, and went out to find something to eat.  Instead of heading North or East, I headed South - and ended up at a new Lefteris Gyro establishment in Hartsdale.  Yum!  After an enjoyable meal, I took my leftovers and went home before the expected rains were to come.

Once home, I changed back into Mario and took care of a last minute chore - Laundry.  Although my dresses are air drying, I still have a couple of baskets to sort and fold.  I think I'll try to do this during the co-op board meeting, as the co-op president has asked another board member to take notes for a change, and give me a much needed break.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

This is why I don't fly discount carriers



My Texas friends are flying on a budget airline to meet us in Chicago this fall.  Unfortunately, it looks like the budget airline has changed its route structure, and now my friends will arrive in the Windy City 3 hours later than planned.  AARGH!  This screws up the plans for the first evening of our stay.

The following is a clipping from a chat that went on earlier in the day:

  • Just got an email regarding my flight to Chicago. Instead of going direct, it is now flying to New Orleans for a 2 hour layover before flying to O'Hare, arriving in Chicago at 6:35 pm
  • Message from you, Aargh, Sunday, June 11 2023, 11:50 AM.
  • Message from Stephanie Bernzweig, I am beyond pissed, Sunday, June 11 2023, 11:51 AM.
    I am beyond pissed
  • Message from you, I would be too. They probably canceled the direct flight and sent you on a different path than you paid for, Sunday, June 11 2023, 11:51 AM.
    I would be too. They probably canceled the direct flight and sent you on a different path than you paid for
  • Message from Stephanie Bernzweig, Looks like it, Sunday, June 11 2023, 11:53 AM.
    Looks like it
  • Message from you, We'll be at the hotel when you get there, Sunday, June 11 2023, 11:53 AM.
    We'll be at the hotel when you get there
  • Message from Stephanie Bernzweig, And the flight is non refundable, Sunday, June 11 2023, 11:55 AM.
    And the flight is non refundable
  • Message from you, Damn!, Sunday, June 11 2023, 11:55 AM.
  • Message from Stephanie Bernzweig, I am tempted to by a new ticket that is direct but concerned that they will do the same with the new ticket, Sunday, June 11 2023, 11:56 AM.
    I am tempted to by a new ticket that is direct but concerned that they will do the same with the new ticket
  • Message from you, Keep an eye on plane tickets from other airlines if you don't like this one. I tend to stay with the old majors, JetBlue and Southwest, Sunday, June 11 2023, 11:56 AM.
    Keep an eye on plane tickets from other airlines if you don't like this one. I tend to stay with the old majors, JetBlue and Southwest
  • Message from Stephanie Bernzweig, Mind reader, Sunday, June 11 2023, 11:57 AM.
    Mind reader
  • Message from you, Yup, Sunday, June 11 2023, 11:57 AM.
  • Message from Stephanie Bernzweig, Looking at the flights for Spirit and JetBlue, their sites are both taking me to Southwest out of Love field instead of DFW, Sunday, June 11 2023, 12:08 PM.
    Looking at the flights for Spirit and JetBlue, their sites are both taking me to Southwest out of Love field instead of DFW
  • Message from you, Are you closer to dfw?, Sunday, June 11 2023, 12:29 PM.
    Are you closer to DFW?
  • Message from Stephanie Bernzweig, Both are about the same distance just slightly different direction, Sunday, June 11 2023, 12:32 PM.
    Both are about the same distance just slightly different direction
  • Message from Jennifer Sasser, I got the same email. they may change it again., Sunday, June 11 2023, 12:34 PM.
    I got the same email. they may change it again.
  • Message from Stephanie Bernzweig, That crossed my mind also. Which is why I am not rushing to change the flight yet, Sunday, June 11 2023, 12:35 PM.
    That crossed my mind also. Which is why I am not rushing to change the flight yet
  • Message from Stephanie Bernzweig, Jenn, did you see the important message to accept the new itinerary? Just wanted to make sure, Sunday, June 11 2023, 12:55 PM.
    Jenn, did you see the important message to accept the new itinerary? Just wanted to make sure
  • Message from Jennifer Sasser, I didn't get a message to accept new itinerary, Sunday, June 11 2023, 12:56 PM.
    I didn't get a message to accept new itinerary
  • Message from you, Hopefully both of you will have no more headaches with the flights, Sunday, June 11 2023, 12:57 PM.
    Hopefully both of you will have no more headaches with the flights

Both of my friends are taking a "Budget Airline" to get between Point A and Point B.  Neither realized that their discount carrier has a habit of "nickel-diming" its customers, and that one can often get an equally good deal from one legacy carriers.  Now, they are thinking of a more expensive "Plan B", in case things get screwed up again.

Can I trash the discount carrier for changing flight schedules 4 months in advance? Possibly.  But I choose not to do it, as getting a cheap fare involves trade-offs, and the possibility of experiencing events like this is one of the trade-offs one has to make for the cheap fares.  As for me, I'd rather pay a full rate and get better service....




PS: One of my friends cancelled her flight on Spirit Airlines, and got a flight on Southwest for a similar fare.  Yes, she may be out the money.  But she simply doesn't like what Spirit did, nor does she like their terrible schedules.

A social day for Marian

  This was a day where I knew I'd be spending the day as Marian.  So I made sure that I'd be wearing a comfortable dress when I went...