Saturday, February 15, 2025

Eastern Caribbean Cruise - Port Day (01/29/25 - St. Maarten)


Today's post will be a short one.  Not much of note happened.  But I have resolved to find ways of taking more cruises as Marian, based on little things of note - such as only needing to show a cruise card in San Juan and St. Maarten.  Over time, I will likely find more ports that I can visit as Marian without headaches from the local governments.

But first....

We finally made it to breakfast in the main dining room.  And this time, we had better service than we had at brunch several days ago.  This was an auspicious start to our day in St. Maarten.  

Around 2 pm, we decided to take a walk off the ship.  Although the temperature was in the 80's, if felt over 10 degrees warmer due to the humidity and the lack of shade.  We found nothing of interest in the few gift shops we visited, and decided to go back to the ship in less than an hour.

Once back on the ship, we got some gelato to cool off, then sat down to rest and eat our gelato.  I got into a chat with another cruiser, a lady who was very happy with MSC as a cruise line.  We then got into "apartment life", talking about NYC rent stabilization and co-op apartments.  It was a pleasant chat, but not one worth hanging out for more than 30 minutes. 

About an hour later, we were again seated in the main dining room.  The meal was enjoyable, but the Shrimp fra Diavolo lacked a certain punch.  It was pleasant, but had no heat to talk about.  At least, the cheesecake was pleasant and predictable.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Eastern Caribbean Cruise - Port Day (01/28/25 - Charlotte Amalie, USVI)


Unlike the other days so far on this ship, we finally made it to the buffet for breakfast.  It wasn't what either of us would have wanted, but it was something to ease any hunger pains we had.

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Breakfast at the buffet is always a hunt for something interesting to eat, something which doesn't seem to industrial for one's taste.  Today, I found some scrambled eggs (yecch), bacon, and some chocolate cheese blintzes which weren't that objectionable.  So, around 1 pm, we finally made it to land to walk around a bit, and get some lunch.

RQS bought some costume jewelry, while I sat outside in the shade. And then, we decided to get a bite to eat off the ship, at a restaurant called the Smoking Rooster.  We ordered a sampler plate, a dish which had more than enough meat for the two of us.  Once done, it was back to the ship - it was way too warm to walk around, then be fresh enough for dinner at 5:30 pm.

Sadly, our friends are no longer going to dinner, so we took their seats in the restaurant.  (We believe they might be going to the buffet, where one of them can more easily find vegan grub.)  It seems like the service is getting much more attentive in the dining room the longer we are there.  I guess they really want us to give them a good review after we leave the ship.

After dinner, it was time to go to the buffet to pick up some fresh fruit for the morning.  I asked a uniformed staff member where we could get some uncut apples, and an assistant brought us 3.  What more could you ask of these people?  I'll be sure to give them a good write up as well.  And, finally, it was back to our cabin for the night.  We'll sleep well....

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Eastern Caribbean Cruise - Port Day (01/27/25 - San Juan, PR)


This was another day that we chose to wake up late.  Unlike yesterday, the main dining room was not open for lunch.  So, we went to the Mexican restaurant onboard to get our first meal of the day.  And, as expected, it was yummy.  RQS noted that the tacos were as good as the local taco joint in her neighborhood - they were that good.  As for me, I knew the tacos were good, but was underwhelmed by the burritos - too much cilantro for my taste.  At least, the flan was as good as expected.

By now, the crowds were off the ship, so we left the ship a little after 2 pm.  On our way off the ship, one lady had a problem getting her scooter over the lip separating the carpeted from the non-carpeted area of the 4th floor.  So I did the helpful thing, and got her front wheel over the lip, and the driving wheels would do the rest.  Next, there was another person in a scooter in front of us.  People weren't making way for him, so I bellowed out "Make Way!  A scooter is coming down the ramp."  (It didn't help that they closed down one of the gangways to re-provision the ship.  We'd have been off the ship in half the time.)  Once the scooter was lifted onto the downward ramp, getting off the ship was easy.

Now on dry land, the heat and humidity started to get to us.  We walked a little through the older part of San Juan, and then headed back to the ship for dinner.  Sadly, our new friends may have chosen a later dining time, so that dinner wouldn't feel rushed.  For us, today was our quickest dinner, as we were out of the dining room in less than 90 minutes.


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Eastern Caribbean Cruise - Port Day (01/26/25 - Puerto Plata, DR)


The ship made port at 12:00 noon, and we made it to lunch at the same time.  We were in no hurry to do much of anything, and there would be no need to hurry until the end of the cruise.  So, there was only one drawback for me in waking up early - there was no uncut fresh fruit in the room for me to nosh on to sate my hunger.

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We went to the main dining room for lunch, and this time, service wasn't bad.  Yes, there was a minor mistake.  But it was nothing to complain about.  (Later on, we'd find that 90 people started their contracts with this sailing.  No wonder why service in the dining rooms was iffy at times.)  After lunch, it was again time to relax.  So we went upstairs to the buffet, where we could read in someplace other than our cabin.

Around 5:30, it was time to go to dinner, and our new friends weren't there.  I guess either of 3 things happened:

  1. They were still dealing with the aftermath of the water pipe bursting at home, and were still making calls from the ship to see that their home gets fixed.

  2. They flew home from the DR, so that they could deal with their issues in person.

  3. They were tired of dining with us (RQS deems this doubtful), and found another table (and time) to dine at.

It felt strange to have a table for 6 to ourselves.  But we enjoyed the meal anyway.

- - - - - -

After another trip back to our room, we went to the theater to see a performer (LsShonda Reese) sing a set of songs by James Brown, Michael Jackson, Lionel Richie and others.  She was a good singer, but I wouldn't have spent money to see her perform - at least, not in a cruise ship environment.

As usual, we now are finding that our next door cabin resident regularly leaves her scooter in the hallway.  Do I like this?  No.  But there's nothing I want to do about this.  It's a pain to house the scooter in the room.  Yet, I feel that she should have booked an "Accessible Cabin" to deal with this issue beforehand. This is something I will bring up when I write a letter to the cruise line's customer service department.  I don't want to get anyone in trouble (especially not our room steward), but I think the cruise line needs a policy for this, as not all cabin entryways have room to park 1 scooter, much less 2 scooters.

Tomorrow, we will be in Puerto Rico, and we may finally get off the ship.


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Eastern Caribbean Cruise - Sea Day (01/25/25)


One thing I noticed about MSC is that they tend to be low cost for most things - including medical supplies.  Today, RQS had to see about getting a walking cane to help get around.  (She left hers at home before the cruise.)  So she went to the medical center, and they rented one for $60 - which will be refunded on return to the center at the end of the cruise.  This is much better than NCL's $35 rental fee which she would have incurred had she rented one when injured on our first Bermuda cruise. (She ended up buying one in Bermuda for $30 when in port.)

With the above being said, I've noticed big differences in service in each of my 3 cruises on this line.  So far, both RQS and I have noticed a decline in service quality between our 2 cruises together.  On our first cruise, wait staff tended to be very attentive, making sure we had bottled water at our table and wines of our choice, refilled as desired.  On this cruise, we found out that this was our waiter's first sailing - and the mistakes he made were that of a good natured rookie. However, I won't excuses made at brunch, where the entire staff was inattentive.  Normally, a wait staff member would come by with either juices or pastries before orders were taken.  This did not happen until we were finished with our main courses.  RQS wanted to order a Cappuccino, while I wanted my 2 Diet Cokes, and the waiter didn't want to take that part of the order, passing it to someone else from the bar staff.  When our drinks were delivered, I had to ask the waiter to return my cruise card.  To make things worse, our desserts were delivered before we had much of a chance to start our main courses.  (It could have been worse - a lady at an adjoining table never got her second omelette.)  On top of that, RQS's utensils were taken away, and I had to shout to gain the attention of the wait staff to get these utensils replaced.  

Luckily, dinner service gradually improves with time.  As wait staff gets to know you, they will anticipate some of your needs.  For example, the waiter assumed we'd be having wine with dinner and knew to ask us what we'd be drinking with our meals.  Wait staff was concerned about our table mates not showing up for dinner, but we informed them that the issue had nothing to do with the food or service, it had to do with things going on at home.

Last night, we had reservations for a 9:30 performance at the ship's theater.  In the past, crew members checked to see if people had reservations for certain performances, and put unreserved people on a wait list to be admitted.  We arrived at the theater, and there were no capacity controls - anyone could get in, resulting in overcrowding.  Given that last night's show had performers using the aisles in their performance, this could have resulted in a very dangerous situation.  I'm glad that RQS and I decided to leave, as we'd have never enjoyed the show under these conditions.

In many ways, you get what you pay for, and on MSC, you are paying for a crew that may be learning new skills while on the job.  I'm hesitant on making complaints aimed at individuals, as we were told that MSC tends to either end contracts early or declines renewals if even a single complaint is made, not giving individuals time to learn their craft fully.  But I plan to make complaints regarding specific departments on the ship, making sure to also mention the things that the cruise line is doing right.

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On other matters....

Our new friends from our dinner table met us in the atrium today, on their way to lunch.  The gentleman mentioned that he was in contact with his son all morning, as there was a water line break which flooded his dining room.  This will be a cruise to remember, all for the wrong reasons.

All sorts of things can happen while one is away from home.  I can still remember something that happened to my former cruise partner towards the end of one cruise, something that affected her property.  On another trip, there was a death in her family.  Seasoned travelers have trusted people looking after their affairs while they are away.  And yet, things will go wrong at times.  I once left a car unlocked in an airport's long term parking lot, and was lucky that no one broke into the car.  So I say, expect the best, but prepare for the worst....



Monday, February 10, 2025

Eastern Caribbean Cruise - Sea Day (01/24/25)


There is not much to say about sea days on a cruise ship.  There are entertainment activities to keep one busy, as well as a healthy supply of food onboard to occupy one's time.  So far, I have not been over indulging, and I have felt sated with human sized portions of food.  This doesn't mean that I usually eat too much on a cruise.  Instead, I usually walk more when I'm on a cruise, and maintain my weight. 

Today, I didn't have much to write about.  So I wrote an entry which will get posted to this blog in roughly four weeks.  However, I'll recount the day here to give you an idea of what a sea day on a ship can be like.

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RQS and I took our time getting out of bed, and barely made it to lunch in one of the main dining rooms. Coincidentally, we ended up sitting at the table where I was assigned on the first cruise on this line. After a nice meal of fish and chips, we left to have dessert in the buffet because we didn't have attentive service from our waiter.

We went back to our cabin and rested a while before getting dressed for gala night dinner.  Unfortunately, we were a little bit late and didn't have the chance to get our formal pictures taken.  So we met our table mates and had another nice conversation over dinner.  Again, service was slow and error prone - RQS didn't get her glass of wine as she ordered.  While at dinner, RQS spilled some dessert on her dress - there went the chance to get a nice picture of us taken.

After a bio break, it was time to go to the theater.  Well, we had made reservations, but this didn't mean much - they no longer bothered to make sure that people had reservations to enter the theater.  This meant that the theater was overcrowded by the time we got there.  In case of emergency, it would have been impossible to exit quickly.  So we left as the show was about to start, and made it back to the buffet for a quick snack before returning to our cabin.

Was it a nice day fr us?  Yes.  But nothing much to write about.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Eastern Caribbean Cruise - Embarkation Day (01/23/25)


Our day started by waking up "early", so that we'd make it to the cruise terminal by 12:30 pm.  This meant that we'd have to cook and eat breakfast, get showered and dressed, and into an Uber by 11:30 am to make it on time.  What didn't help is that we had some minor last minute packing to take care of, and RQS forgot her cane.  (Hopefully, she can buy one while on the cruise, or while we're in port.)

The Uber came on time, and we had a very nice driver, someone who was willing to take a side street to bypass traffic on the BQE.  We arrived at the terminal at 12:45 pm, and were snaking through the terminal for another half hour after that.  Once on the ship, we dumped our bags off in the room, then made it to the buffet to have lunch and kill some time before the muster drill.

As is the case with MSC, one does not watch a muster drill in person.  Instead, one watches a video to know what to do in case of an emergency, dials a number to register having seen the video, then report to the emergency station to show one knows where it is in case of an emergency.

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All too soon, it was time for dinner.  We were seated at a shared table with two nice people.  Yes, I might have run my mouth a little.  But they seemed to have enjoyed our company, and we hope to be seeing them for dinner until the cruise ends.  While dining, we found that the gentlemen across from me was a vegan, and had some trouble getting something he could eat.

After dinner, we made our entertainment reservations for the cruise, and then went up to the cabin for the evening.  We were greeted by our two large suitcases being placed by the door, and started to unpack for the trip.  In short, it was a busy day, but one which prepared us to enjoy our 10-day cruise. 

Attending a meetup

  It's been years since I belonged to this meetup group.  The woman who sponsored it had gotten divorced, closed her restaurant, and mov...