Monday, January 20, 2025

And now, the "Fun" begins.


This is one of my rare entries (other than holiday posts) that comes out on the day something actually happens.  Today, we are about to enter 4 years of darkness caused by the selfish nature of a man who is about to take office.  He complains about flags flying at half staff to honor the late Jimmy Carter.  Yet, I think that Carter might have chosen to die when he did, so that he could show his contempt for the man about to take office.

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I am not concerned about the rich trying to extract more wealth from society.  They always have done that and always will do so.  Instead, I am concerned about a man-child whose sole interest is the destruction of our society in exchange for ill gotten gains from his benefactors.  Even that may not be the worst of things, as he has an ax (with many of his supporters) to grind against Transgender Americans.

My brother is well on his way to getting his second passport.  As soon as his passport is issued, I will submit the same paperwork as he did - just to have a place to go if the powers that support the new president aren't checked.  We already have seen the rules of the House of Representatives changed to prevent Sarah McBride from going to the women's loo.  I fear what could happen if America stumbles into being a Christianist Autocracy.  Could we have pogroms?  Who knows?

Right now, I am not going to worry.  But I will stay aware of things going on around me.  If we're lucky, we will get through this period of chaos with few lasting injuries.

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On other matters much less depressing....

Yesterday, I dropped RQS off at the station, so she could go home and take care of things that have piled up since before the holidays. After that, I decided to go out for a slice of pizza and met one of my neighbors.  There was something wrong with her, as she noted that she had some sort of brain injury about a year ago.  Yet, she couldn't understand why the co-op had to dismiss our former managing agent.  (She said she has memories, but couldn't connect them together to understand what has gone on.  Every minute or two, she kept apologizing for her inability to put things together due to this brain injury.)  As much as I didn't want to keep with the conversation, I did so because she needed to chat.  Luckily, I was able to get out of the conversation and go home for the rest of the day.


Sue Richmond said...

Well, what can I say? I am thinking of decent Americans and the sufferings they are going to undergo and wishing it was different for them and for us all. Get that passport, Marian, bearing in mind that bureaucracy takes time and there will be lots of other applicants now. Sue x

Marian said...

Sue -

Trust me, I am working on it. The "American Experiment" is in danger because of a risk always present in democracies: Ignorant people vote against their interest when demagogues tell the people what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear. Trump and his GOP co-conspirators have done just that, and now they are the barbarians about to sack today's Rome.

The big question is: will the barbarians succeed? There are fewer guard rails in place than existed in his first term. And the public is much more divided than before. So I fear the future, as I openly live as a TG individual for the most part. Yes, I can go stealth. But once pogroms start, I will not be safe. That second passport is a must.....

Cleaning out under my bed and an evening as Marian

  By the time you read this, I will have my new bed delivered.  Now, I have to clean out the space under my mattress/bed spring, so that the...