I'll bet that RQS was feeling like this on her way home today. On Friday, she had lost her cell phone, and we drove to Queens on Saturday to retrieve it. Most of the remaining weekend was spent resting, recharging ourselves for the week ahead.
But why do I mention this?
My brother had a busier weekend than I did. My nephew lives on the west coast, and my brother went out there for a competition my nephew participated in. As expected, my nephew did well, and is preparing for the next step in his competitive career. This meant that my brother didn't have the time to take care of paperwork I needed, nor did he have the time to recharge his batteries after an over-full week at work. There was no way I was going to pester my brother for paperwork with the stuff he has going on in his life. Instead, I made sure to talk about my nephew for 20 minutes before asking any questions such as: Did my brother have the chance to find my grandmother's death certificate? Of course, he also had an answer for my unasked question. And we then proceeded to talk about priorities for the rental property we jointly own.
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When RQS finally made it home, she found something in her mailbox - jury duty pay. Someone had pilfered the original check sent to her, so she had to file a claim for the money owed to her. Now, she can afford to treat me to a fine dinner at l'Arca del Oro. (That's Mickey D's, for those who don't get the reference.) She's in a better place than she was a week ago. And now, I gave her a much more pleasant task than the doctors did last week - choosing a restaurant to go to for Hudson Valley Restaurant Week (HVRW).