Today was not the best of days, nor was it the worst of days. It was a day where things didn't go right, and yet, not go completely wrong.
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RQS and I decided to leave the apartment later than we planned. Our first stop was at the computer fixit store, where she had to get some more work done on her computer. Whenever she tried to start MS-Word, the logon process from her old job would start, making it impossible for her to use the software. Of course, this had to get fixed, and we brought the computer into the shop at 3:30 pm. One hour later, she left the store, but the computer was still in the shop. My guess is that the fixit guy wasn't picking up on the idea that her old firm had updated her computer's registry to start a security program whenever MS-Word was started. Hopefully, he'll be able to track down this startup process and kill it once and for all.
Next, we were off the the bookstore to buy a 2025 planner. However, they are no longer sold in the store, as few old timers like us were buying these items. So, RQS will need to log on to Amazon to find what she wants. However, while there, both of us bought books we could read, my book being about the Sex Lives of Presidents. (I can't wait to read the juicy bits....)
Finally, we picked up some stuff at the supermarket before we got home. Once home it was time to cook dinner and time to do laundry. After dinner, I tripped over RQS, ruining a lampshade in my fall. I guess it's a visit to Walmart in the morning to replace it.
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As I noted earlier, things did go wrong, but not in the most disastrous way....