Showing posts with label Fred MacMurray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fred MacMurray. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Elvis still is the King

Elvis Presley.  What can I say about him that hasn't been better said by others?

The other day, RQS and I went to see the new film about Elvis, where Tom Hanks plays Col.Tom Parker.  Both of us loved the movie, and were surprised when we found the audience behind us clapping at the screen.  Seems like the majority of us in the theater enjoyed the film.

Before I run on ad nauseam, I must say that I wasn't expecting Oscar quality performances from Austin Butler and Tom Hanks.  Both actors were perfectly cast for their roles. But I hope that Tom Hanks goes back to playing a "good guy" in his next film.  I'd hate to see him have to make the kind of decisions Fred MacMurray had to make after his performances in Double Indemnity and in The Caine Mutiny.  Both Hanks and MacMurray are actors who could play dark characters well, but whose audiences expect them to play good guys in their roles.  

Go into this movie with an open mind, and you will have a good time.  As in real life, Elvis and Col. Parker are very flawed people, and this movie focuses on those flaws.  The music is good, and I'm hoping to see a soundtrack come out soon....

Thoughts about a friend and her husband

  I had lunch with a friend the other day, and noticed that she may be a little divorced from an objective reality.  A society needs objecti...