Showing posts with label Hydration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hydration. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

It was just as well I didn't go out today.


This will be a short post today....

Have you ever had a day where you barely had enough energy to get up just to go to the bathroom?  Today was one of those days for me.  

Being sleep deprived much of the time, I have gotten used to feeling tired - but not this tired.  I wasn't sure whether the headache I had for part of the day was related to a lack of hydration.  But I'm pretty sure that my lack of energy was related to my hydration level.

Luckily for me, MWL was not feeling well today, and that freed me to do much of anything I wanted.  However, this was a blessing, as I was too tired most of the day to do anything other than lay in bed.

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And now to explain why I posted "Enjoy Every Last Moment" phrase....

I am now 64 years old, and the thought of old age and death comes to me more often.  For the most part, it has been a good life, but filled with emptiness and sadness.  No, I am not in a depressed mood today.  Instead, I got into the "coulda, shoulda, woulda's" lately, and it got me thinking about life.  And if there's one thing I realized, it is that it would be a shame if I wasted any of the time I have left to me.  So, "Enjoy Every Last Moment" has a certain positivity to it, as it is an instruction to avoid putting off the things you really want to do, as you may not get the chance to do them later on.

I inherited a dust collector. (And wish I didn't.)

  As many of you already know, I scheduled a trip to California this past April to see my uncle, but he passed away 10 days before my arriva...