I don't know what to make of this. When I first saw the video on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, I thought it was one of Kimmel's jokes. However, this image (and others) comes from an Orange Snowflake post on "Truth" Social. It wasn't until I looked it up this morning (by the time you read this, two weeks will have passed) that I found that it was a real post. As some people in the hood might say: "This Honky is Nuts!"
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As much as I'd like to see the Israeli settlers kicked out of the West Bank, and Palestinian Gazans moved there, I could only justify a temporary US occupation of the land until the Israelis and Palestinians have learned to live in peace, and then Gaza could be turned into a co-dominium (yes, there are lands jointly ruled by two countries) owned by both nations run for the betterment of both.
The Middle East needs a two-state solution to the conflict, but one where both sides can live without fearing the other. This is possible. Most people want to get on with their lives, and don't give a damn if "the other" also does well. Northern Ireland has proven that an intractable problem can have a peaceful resolution - Protestants and Catholics now live in peace. And, in a recent election, a Sinn Féin member has been elected to run Northern Ireland. So peace is possible in the Holy Land - as long as outsiders stop stirring things up.
Sadly, we are scheduled to have a little over 46 months of this clown being in office. Hopefully, we can recover our nation from the rubble he's turning it in to....