This is another short post, as I am tired and have to get up early in the morning to avoid an incoming snowstorm. As I write this, I just got back to RQS's place after seeing a Broadway Play (more on that tomorrow), just in time for SNL's Weekend Update. And shortly afterwards, RQS and I plan to go to bed, so that I can start getting up around 7 am.
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The highlight/low light of the day was figuring out how I will deal with the inability to use a now compromised credit card.A new card (with new account number) would be sent to me, but not before my upcoming cruise. This will force me to spend a couple of hours updating the credit cards for all of my regular payments such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Uber, etc. once I'm home. One doesn't realize how many places where one uses a card for payments until one thinks of all the subscriptions and stored payment information that uses a selected account.
If the weather prediction wasn't for snow, I'd have planned on taking my time to go home. Instead, I'll have to rush home and start on fixing things. Keep your fingers crossed that no more accounts have been compromised.