Sunday, June 25, 2023

Another sad day for America


When I started this entry, I had no idea of exactly when the next Trump indictment was coming, but I knew that it should be happening soon.  Too much seems to be going on, and I thought that the next shoe was to drop soon.  And drop it did on June 9th.  Trump was indicted in the Southern District of Florida on 7 felony counts, and now we're waiting for the next indictment - most likely from Georgia.

The trouble with waiting for an indictment is that the public sees little progress towards the goal.  In the case of our ex-president, one political tribe believes in the rule of law and order, while the other simply wants power.  The funny thing is that we're seeing psychological projection on both a micro level and at a macro level.  Trump keeps saying that he is a victim, someone who never does anything wrong.  Yet, he projects the crimes he commits onto the very people charged with enforcing the laws.  At a macro level, we see the GOP claiming election fraud and the weaponization of the Justice Department.  And yet, this was done by the GOP to keep Trump in power.  Tribal loyalty kept a large part of the population from exercising common sense, and is allowing the lunatics in that party to run its asylum.

I'm not sure of what is worse, having an ex-president run for office who may be on trial for crimes committed in 2, 3. or 4 jurisdictions (both state and federal), or a party who can't put up someone better to run for our nation's highest office.  As I see things, the Georgia case (regarding election interference) against Trump (as leaked to the public) is strong enough to get a felony conviction. And the Federal case (regarding wrongful possession of government documents) is also strong enough to get a felony conviction. Only the New York case may end up resulting in a misdemeanor conviction. Why can't they support someone better for the presidency?

What I fear most is that this clown gets reelected while in trial.  How do we deal with someone awaiting trial, and who would be immune from being put on trial once he swears the oath of office?  I would hope that the courts keep him from taking the oath until his criminal trials have ended.  But if not, I'll ask a simple question: 

Where is John Wilkes Booth when we need him?


Sue Richmond said...

Hi Marian
The rest of the world looks on bewildered at the crazed chaos that Trump causes. And wonders how the Republicans are still sticking with him. Mind you, in my former country of Britain, the dirty liar Boris Johnson is behaving in the same way, although in his case crime doesn't seem to feature (not yet, anyway). And we see mad men like Putin starting crazy wars. The world order established after the horrors of World War II is over now thanks to these crooks and I wonder where we go from here.
A hug.
Sue x

Marian said...

Sue -

This is a problem with democracies. It is easy to mislead the willfully ignorant when a bombastic demagogue feeds into his/her followers' fantasies, instead of telling them the truth. Many in the political/economic elite consider the lower classes as serf to be abused (as a class) as the elite pleases. Trump is a tool of this class of elite, but does not represent all of the elites.

The other day, I read a quote about Hermann Goering and Adolph Hitler. The author noted that Goering was bombastic, narcissistic and a thief - but the Germans did not care. (Sounds like Trump!) Yet, Hitler was aloof, an enigma upon whom people projected their own desires for redemption from the post-WW1 humiliations. My question is: If Trump can be compared to Goering, then who will be compared with Hitler? And how can this evil be stopped?

Miracles of modern dentistry?

Long gone are the days where going to the dentist would be this uncomfortable.  Unlike getting a leg amputated in the Civil War, one couldn&...