Sunday, April 14, 2024

I'm still having minor issues with the new car


Yes.  When one buys a new car, one has something akin to teething pains when one is learning about the quirks of the car.  And I am learning quick!

Yesterday, my car wasn't recognizing voice commands when I wanted to make a call to one of my friends. A call to the salesman gave me an idea of how to resolve this problem.  Now, I have lost some of the features of Android Auto and of Subaru's Starlink for another unknown reason.  I figure that I'll send another message to the salesman - only to let him know that what he suggested worked, and that I have another problem that I'm working on.  (No, I'm not asking him for help on this one.  But I figure that he will be able to help someone else with my Android phone issues using the info I give him, as his main phone experience is with iPhones.)

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In a previous post, I commented on the "secret" sharing of driver data between Auto Manufacturers, Lexis/Nexis, and Insurance Companies.  This practice disgusts me, and I might have called off my car purchase if I had known this before writing a check for the down payment on my new car.  Today, one of the worst offenders, General Motors, has announced that it will cease sharing this information with data brokers.  Hopefully, other automobile manufacturers will follow GM's lead and stop their data sharing as well.

As I'm writing this entry, I'm watching a video regarding the Infotainment Screen and its use on my new car.  I figure that this is a video I should save, as it's easier to watch this video than to read a 500+ page user manual.  Hopefully, I'll learn enough about my new car, that I can drive it like I had years of experience beforehand, instead of feeling like an idiot at the controls.


Toni C said...

Good morning I know you said you were watching a video but I just wnted to say that most issues are covered in someones you Tube Video section

Marian said...

You got it. I have been watching YouTube videos to answer most of my questions. But I've been finding flaws in Android Auto connecting to my car's Infotainment system, such as AA taking an inordinate amount of time to establish its wi-fi connection between phone and car. Normally, this should take 30-60 seconds. But this doesn't always happen this quickly,as in one case, it took 30 minutes to connect. Bluetooth was working seamlessly, so I was able to make a phone call during my drive. I knew then AA finally had established its wi-fi connection, as SXM stopped playing and Pandora started up.

As I said, I'm still learning how to manage the electronic gizmos I'm my car, and YouTube is one of the tools I use to get information.

Getting a survey (ostensibly) about satisfaction with my new car.

  The other day, I received an email from Subaru asking me to take a survey regarding satisfaction with my new car. Although most of the que...