Showing posts with label New Car. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Car. Show all posts

Sunday, April 14, 2024

I'm still having minor issues with the new car


Yes.  When one buys a new car, one has something akin to teething pains when one is learning about the quirks of the car.  And I am learning quick!

Yesterday, my car wasn't recognizing voice commands when I wanted to make a call to one of my friends. A call to the salesman gave me an idea of how to resolve this problem.  Now, I have lost some of the features of Android Auto and of Subaru's Starlink for another unknown reason.  I figure that I'll send another message to the salesman - only to let him know that what he suggested worked, and that I have another problem that I'm working on.  (No, I'm not asking him for help on this one.  But I figure that he will be able to help someone else with my Android phone issues using the info I give him, as his main phone experience is with iPhones.)

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In a previous post, I commented on the "secret" sharing of driver data between Auto Manufacturers, Lexis/Nexis, and Insurance Companies.  This practice disgusts me, and I might have called off my car purchase if I had known this before writing a check for the down payment on my new car.  Today, one of the worst offenders, General Motors, has announced that it will cease sharing this information with data brokers.  Hopefully, other automobile manufacturers will follow GM's lead and stop their data sharing as well.

As I'm writing this entry, I'm watching a video regarding the Infotainment Screen and its use on my new car.  I figure that this is a video I should save, as it's easier to watch this video than to read a 500+ page user manual.  Hopefully, I'll learn enough about my new car, that I can drive it like I had years of experience beforehand, instead of feeling like an idiot at the controls.

Monday, April 8, 2024

By the time you read this....


By the time you read this, several things will have happened:

  1. My taxes will be in the process of being prepared.
  2. I will be in possession of my new car.
  3. DCD will have started his process of getting the car registered in his own name.
  4. I will have given RQS her birthday present.
  5. My luggage will be opened, and packing will start for my California Cruise.

Of course, a lot of things will have happened in between then and now.  And you'll be able to read about them over the next few days.

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When I told my brother about my tax situation, I realized how much my brother wants to isolate my financial life from his.  I should mention that he wouldn't give me a recommendation for an accountant if I needed one this year, but would only help me file estimated taxes to buy a little time for me.  My guess is that if an acquaintance of his sees my returns, then they will have an idea of what a slice of my brother's life looks like.

Cleaning out my old car has helped me find things I had misplaced over the years.  One of these things was a canvas bag that I thought was in RQS's place.  Surprise!  It was in my car's trunk.  There was way too much stuff back there, and I'm glad that I am finally emptying it out.  (Guess what I'll be doing on Monday!)

Now that I have the information needed to get my new car on the road, I can give DCD the information he needs to start his process.  Hopefully, I'll have the old car out of my driveway soon.  If not, I know of at least one charity that takes donated cars.

Even though a bought theater tickets for RQS's birthday, I ordered a little something from Amazon for her to open up on the birthday itself.  Hopefully, she will like it.

And lastly, packing....   This will be a trip where I will spend one day as Mario and the rest as Marian. (I must visit my uncle while presenting as Mario.)  It's going to be nice to wear some warmer weather clothes for a change.  (I haven't worn a dress in California in ages, except while in transit to/from Hawaii.)  Since it will be Spring when I arrive, I have to bring sweaters (and a windbreaker) - especially for my time in San Francisco.  RQS's cousin knows I am trans, so it will be nice NOT to have to change into a pair of trousers when in San Diego....

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Car Shopping - A Used Car is Suggested.

This weekend, RQS and I went car shopping.  And I'm still not sure if I want to drop the hammer on this car, a 2020 Hyundai Sonata.  The car is nicer than the Elantra I wanted to buy, but it has 2 years of mileage on it.  As I started to write this, it's a flip of the coin that I will buy this car of not.  And if I don't, I'll likely spend the money to put new tires and brakes on my old car, and keep it on the road for at least another year.

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Both of us felt a positive vibe when we entered the salesroom.  Our salesman was eager to see us, and noted that the car we wanted wasn't in stock.  However, this conflicts with the ad I saw online, but I digress...  He asked if I was willing to look at a gently used car, and I said yes.  Within 5 minutes, RQS and I were out on local roads taking a test drive.

Of course, the salesman knew he had a good product and a potential customer.  In some ways, the car could sell itself.  But, given that I am going to reduce my income for the short term when I leave my job, I am a little leery on taking on debt for a used car I am not fully sold on. So I think I will pass on the deal and see if other dealerships for other brands have something I'd like.

Ever have a day that you had no energy to do anything?

  Today, even waking up felt like an effort.  Although I might have gained consciousness around 9 am, I wasn't out of my bed until 11 am...