Wednesday, October 23, 2024

It's not something I want to do, but someone's got to do it.


Other than going out for my flu shot and for some food shopping, the high point of my day would be the co-op board meeting we held this evening.  This would be a longer than usual board meeting, as our goal would be to interview two prospective vendors before the main meeting started.

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Around noon, I went to the local CVS for my shots, then headed to Trader Joe's to do some food shopping.  Unlike my usual trips to TJ's, I broke the $70 barrier.  Mind you, I did this by buying some "expensive" olive oil, some packaged meals, and other items that quickly deplete the wallet - something very hard to do here.  Then I was homeward bound, as I had to get some food into the freezer before it started to thaw.

Sadly, there would be no way for me to go out presenting as Marian, as I had to be out as Mario until the board meeting ended.  So I killed some time, then started up the zoom meeting.  Although I got Zoom to work, I found that something was corrupted on my disk during two unplanned shutdowns that resulted in the equivalent of the "blue screen of death".  Although I don't think I have a virus, I'll have to check out things a bit more when I have the time.  But I digress....

The first vendor came online, and we had a polite conversation for the next 45 minutes.  Will we use this vendor again?  Maybe.  We've worked with them before, but one person there gives me a bad feeling about this vendor, given that his inattention to his job caused us a little grief in the past.  The second vendor fared a bit better, but we're not sold on them yet - we'd be taking a sideways step with technology, and our only gain would be to get rid of our current vendor.  Yet, we spent the better part of an hour and a half talking with this vendor.  So who knows what our answer will be?

Next came the session with our current managing agent.  We are not happy with the answers this fellow gives us, as I feel he is helping his manager to cover something up.  (I wish I had left the zoom recorder on like I usually do.  But I am only human, and was tired going into the meeting.)  Hopefully, he'll be able to supply us with the information we need by the time our next meeting comes around. 

It was an exhausting day, even though I didn't spend much time doing anything, save for the board meeting.  And that was more than enough for me....

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It's not something I want to do, but someone's got to do it.

  Other than going out for my flu shot and for some food shopping, the high point of my day would be the co-op board meeting we held this ev...