Unlike the other days so far on this ship, we finally made it to the buffet for breakfast. It wasn't what either of us would have wanted, but it was something to ease any hunger pains we had.
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Breakfast at the buffet is always a hunt for something interesting to eat, something which doesn't seem to industrial for one's taste. Today, I found some scrambled eggs (yecch), bacon, and some chocolate cheese blintzes which weren't that objectionable. So, around 1 pm, we finally made it to land to walk around a bit, and get some lunch.
RQS bought some costume jewelry, while I sat outside in the shade. And then, we decided to get a bite to eat off the ship, at a restaurant called the Smoking Rooster. We ordered a sampler plate, a dish which had more than enough meat for the two of us. Once done, it was back to the ship - it was way too warm to walk around, then be fresh enough for dinner at 5:30 pm.
Sadly, our friends are no longer going to dinner, so we took their seats in the restaurant. (We believe they might be going to the buffet, where one of them can more easily find vegan grub.) It seems like the service is getting much more attentive in the dining room the longer we are there. I guess they really want us to give them a good review after we leave the ship.
After dinner, it was time to go to the buffet to pick up some fresh fruit for the morning. I asked a uniformed staff member where we could get some uncut apples, and an assistant brought us 3. What more could you ask of these people? I'll be sure to give them a good write up as well. And, finally, it was back to our cabin for the night. We'll sleep well....