Showing posts with label Familiarization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Familiarization. Show all posts

Sunday, April 17, 2022

I'm getting more than my share of tail these days....


If you think I was talking about sex by the title of this entry, you'd be greatly mistaken.  I was referencing the presence of a cat who is persistent in his desire to get petted. Ever since my first visit to RQS's apartment, this cat has made his presence known.  He will get between us all the time.  No, it's not a desire to keep us apart.  Instead, it is a desire to get pleasantly scratched and petted.  And we know he's happy when his purring is loud enough to be heard from the next room.

One can tell that RQS loves her cats by the nature of the throw on her sofa.  The fictional title of a book woven into the throw (A tale of two kitties) says it all. Unlike some people I know, RQS does not spoil her cats. It's hard to do so with her cats - they love hopping in and out of boxes, and will often be found sleeping on her bed and on her sofa. There is no need to provide extra stimulation for these cats, as they have a lot of area to cover in RQS's railroad flat.

Unfortunately, it's taking a long time for her other cat to warm up to me.  That cat is very protective of her space, and will get upset when I come near it.  Yet, even this cat is warming up to me, as it will rub itself on me when I'm not in a position to pet her like a "normal" cat.  Even with this, I feel that the cat may still consider me a threat, as I will hiss back at her when she hisses at me.  It takes time for an animal to learn that a new human is not a threat, and I'm willing to give her that time.

Thoughts about a friend and her husband

  I had lunch with a friend the other day, and noticed that she may be a little divorced from an objective reality.  A society needs objecti...