Showing posts with label Flam Norway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flam Norway. Show all posts

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Norwegian Fjord Cruise Vacation - 06/30/24 (Afterthoughts)


Having had a good bit of rest from the day before, I figure that it is time to collect my thoughts about my recent cruise.  It is truly a "once in a lifetime" cruise for, as the UN has declared the Norwegian Fjords to be a World Heritage Site and Norway is using this (for its own reasons) to eliminate conventionally powered ships from entering the fjords to reduce CO2 pollution.  Next year, it will be virtually impossible for us to go to Flam or Geiranger with the cruise lines of our choice because Norway is gradually banning cruise ships from their fjords, a process which will be complete by the end of the decade.

This was our first time traveling internationally by air.  For the most part, my worries were unfounded.  However, it was something well worth thinking about, as we would not be protected by US law while we were overseas and we might make mistakes that would be tolerated in the US, but not overseas.  If anything, the mistakes we could make are violations of custom, and not of law.  Most of these mistakes would identify us as uncouth foreigners and not as lawbreakers, such as when I raised my voice at the Tower Bridge.

London itself, proved to be a place that we need to explore when we have the time to do so.  To do this, we would need to visit in the early spring or in late autumn, so that we could ride the tube without needing to be cooled by non-existant air conditioning.  (We'd also have to corral my niece into being a tour guide for a few days for this.)  Like the fjords, we would need several large capacity memory cards for the photos we'd be taking on this trip.

I found that having a universal travel adapter to be an essential part of my travel kit.  I needed it for my CPAP machine in London, as well as for an extra electric socket on the ship.  (Thinking about my CPAP unit, it is time that I schedule an appointment with the sleep doctor, as my machine has reached end-of-life.)  Having extra USB-A to USB-C cables also helps, as most of my electronic gear uses the newer cabling standard.

The fjords are must-visit places, awe inspiring wonders that people should see at least once in their lifetimes.  If possible, the Flam railway is a must if you can get to Flam. (it will not be accessible in the future to most cruise ships.)  If in Alesund, one must take a cruise into the fjords, as we were gobsmacked there as much as we were on the Flam railway.

After Norway, we arrived at the port of Zeebrugge in Belgium.  It's about 45-60 minutes from Ghent, which I consider a place worth spending a long weekend, instead of a short day.  60 minutes touring the old town plus a 60 minute canal cruise is not enough.  As much as I wasn't impressed with the idea of stopping here, instead of stopping at another Norwegian port, I was glad that we came here.  Too bad that the port is so far away from Ghent, otherwise more people might have taken this excursion.

Finally, we had to return home.  If one can avoid returning to the USA in an airline that goes to JFK Terminal 4, do so.  If the weather is bad, this can be a taxing place for one's return home.  (Avoid Delta and Virgin Atlantic flights for this trip.)  I can't make any excuses for Terminal 4, nor should I try to do so.  The Port Authority of NY and NJ has no excuse for allowing any airline to subject passengers to this poor excuse for the international arrivals process for airlines using Terminal 4.  But then, JFK has been a mess from the time it was called Idlewild, and it will remain a mess long after I have passed from the scene.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Norwegian Fjord Cruise Vacation - 06/18/24 (Flam, Norway)


Flam and its railway were the main reasons we decided to take this specific cruise, and not the other 14 day cruise which had 3 Norwegian ports and 3 Icelandic ports.  I'm a little bit of a railroad nut, and I love taking scenic train journeys,

But first....

After getting a restful, but short sleep, RQS and I woke up at 4:00 am to see one side of the Fjord passing by our balcony window.  Although I kept her awake, she was happy to see the landscape passing by, with water falls, snow tipped peaks, and silky smooth waters as we cruised through the Fjord leading to Flam.

Neither of us had enough sleep.  But we knew that the Flam railway was a must.  This railway has the steepest incline (up to a 1 in 18 gradient) on a standard gauge railroad in Europe.  And the scenic views from the train are breathtaking.  So, after a hearty breakfast, we were off to the railway station for the Flam Railway: Waterfalls and Waffles excursion.  We were not disappointed.  Instead, we were stunned by the beauty of glacier fed streams, water falls, and the route leading to Vatnahalsen and its namesake hotel.

In Vatnahalsen, we stopped for Waffles and Tea before returning to Flam.  This is where I struck up a conversation with another railroad fanatic who previously rode the White Pass and Yukon Railway from Skagway to White Pass.  Both of us swapped stories about railroads, steam locomotives, and the routes we have yet to travel.   All too soon, we were back in Flam and on to the ship.

According to several cruise bloggers, Flam is a must visit stop on any Norway cruise.  On this I must concur.  The railway can be the highlight of one's visit to the fjords because of its spectacular views, and the railway shore excursion is in the same league as the White Pass and Yukon Railroad excursion in Alaska.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Getting ready to book a Norwegian Fjord cruise.


Norway, land of Fjords.  This country's natural beauty draws me to see it before several of the fjords are closed to conventionally powered cruise ships.  Having cruised Alaska when I was younger, I know the value of seeing a land with much awe inspiring scenery.  On this trip, RQS will be with me, and I will have someone special with whom I can share this experience and the memories that it brings long after the cruise is over.

Right now, RQS and I are finalizing key details for this cruise.  We expect to be able to spend a day with my niece before our cruise.  It will be the first time either of us has left North America (save for my trip to Hawaii), and I am a little bit nervous.  Europe is foreign to me, and cruising provides enough hand holding for me to see the sights where we're going without limiting my choices to an excessive degree.

One port that I intend to visit is Flaam. The main attraction for me is the railroad.  As I like to remind RQS, I've been interested in trains since I was a wee little child.  I can't wait to go on this train and see the sights. But there is so much more to see. So our task is to determine which shore excursions we really want to go on, and purchase them well before the cruise.

We've budgeted approximately $7,000 each for this trip.  Like many "Bucket List" journeys, it is expensive.  We could have chosen a cruise that starts in Southampton, sails for several days in Norwegian waters, and then goes to Iceland for a few days before returning to Southampton.  Instead, we've chosen a cruise that sails directly from its home port to Norway, and then oozes its way along the Norwegian coast and through its fjords before returning home.

Luckily, both of our passports have several years to go before renewal.  However, we do not yet know whether we will need UK and/or EU entry permits.  We asked our Travel Agent about this, and he has no answers yet for cruisers.  I figure that I'll pay the small price for both entry permits and drop a $20 bill to be safe....

Attending a meetup

  It's been years since I belonged to this meetup group.  The woman who sponsored it had gotten divorced, closed her restaurant, and mov...