Showing posts with label Refrigerator Delivery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Refrigerator Delivery. Show all posts

Thursday, August 1, 2024

It was a long, hot weekend - and we stayed inside as much as possible.


This past weekend, I decided to drive to RQS's place with my new car instead of taking mass transit and suffering with 100+ degree real-feel heat.  It was too hot to do anything, and we stayed inside as much as possible.

But first....

RQS was expecting a refrigerator delivery on Friday, and no one called to tell her that the delivery was going to be delayed.  She had a 8:00-11:30 am delivery window that kept slipping.  By the time she got around to talking to the store, I was already on my way down for a 4:00 pm arrival.  At that time, she found out that the delivery truck broke down, and no one claimed responsibility for notifying her that she wouldn't get the delivery on the scheduled date.  In short, she had taken food out of the old ice box using the store's expected time to facilitate receipt of the new ice box, and much of the food was likely unsafe to eat. 

At this point, we wrote off the food from the ice box, and decided to go to one of our favorite restaurants for some Mediterranean food.  This was a mistake, as they didn't have the AC on.  Although we enjoyed the food, it was too warm to feel comfortable.  (Luckily, the temperature had yet to spike, as it would later in the weekend.)

The refrigerator was rescheduled for delivery the next day, and again, things were running late.  This time, she was told to expect a delivery between 7:30 am and 10:30 am.  And then, the computer reported another delay - delivery was expected between 10:30 am and 1:00 pm.  Well, the delivery men came at 10:20 am, and were gone by 11:00 am.  That meant that we could finally get some breakfast (actually, lunch) and then go to the local Stop and Shop to fill the new ice box.

When we arrived at the supermarket, we found that a lot of the shelves were either empty or poorly stocked.  Both of us figured that the store had electrical problems, and several of the refrigerated compartments lost power.  This would cause the contents (mostly dairy and frozen foods) to go bad, and not be saleable.  So, we ended up NOT getting the ice cream we wanted, and not getting the vegetables we wanted.  But we did get a rack of ribs we would cook the next day.

After we were done shopping, we were in for the next two days.  Saturday evening's meal was a delivered pizza.  Sunday's dinner was the rack of ribs bought the day before.  YUM!   I was glad that I parked in a spot that I didn't have to vacate until Monday night, as I didn't want to go outside when the weather felt like it was over 100 degrees "real-feel". Luckily, by the time I had to go to my car, the temperature was still in the 70's, and I made it home before going outside was unbearable.



PS: Later on, I got dressed in Marian mode and went to see a movie.  It was nice to get back into a dress again.

PPS: One of my Facebook friends is a Transgal who still uses her male id for legal purposes.  She will be taking an international trip this fall, and I want to find out if she has any problems with her identification.

Friday, March 8, 2024

The Ice Box has been delivered, and I still have a problem.

I was awake at 6:00 am for one reason only - I was to expect my refrigerator to be delivered somewhere between 7:15 am and 10:15 am.  Normally, I don't want to get up until 10:30 am, so I knew that I had to set multiple alarms to make sure I was up in time.

Not knowing when the delivery men would arrive, I had to postpone getting together with a new friend. As luck would have it, I didn't need to do this.  The delivery men came around 9:30 am.  Now, when I get a call telling me that someone is "here", I'd think they'd be in front of my doorway.  No.  They were in front of the doorway next door, and blocking a couple of cars.  Shouting out to the two men, I let them know where I was, and they proceeded to unload the refrigerator.

Given that I live up some stairs, they wanted to get the hard job of bringing the refrigerator to my floor before removing the old device.  This wasn't much of a problem.  But it was a problem getting the old refrigerator out of the apartment, and the new one into the apartment. Yet, with a little elbow grease and taking a door off its hinges, this task was accomplished.  Soon enough, the new ice box was in place, and the two delivery men were on their way.

But I still had a problem....

The installation process did not go well - the bottom door of the ice box kept opening.  Over the years, the weight of refrigerators has helped cause the floor to shift out of being level - and I found that I'll need some shims to level the ice box.  Until then, I'll put something heavy in front of the door, and that should keep the door shut until the ice box has been properly leveled.  Too bad that I didn't buy the store's service contract - I'd be calling them back today, and having them do the leveling for me.

Later on, after a day's rest, I went out food shopping.  $100 later, I had many of the things I needed to restock the refrigerator.  And I found that the lightweight stool I used to keep the door shut wasn't working.  So, I figure that a 2 liter bottle of Snapple may help with this problem for now....

I don't know what to make of this

  I don't know what to make of this.  When I first saw the video on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, I thought it was one of Kimmel's jokes.  ...