Showing posts with label Slow Cooker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slow Cooker. Show all posts

Monday, June 12, 2023

Slow cooking some ribs - a short post


Ribs!  Yum!

The other day, I saw a rack of vacuum packed ribs selling for a reasonable price.  So, I figured that I might have some fun with the slow cooker and have some "fall off the bone" good stuff for dinner tonight.  Since RQS was coming up, I didn't want to waste much time preparing the ribs and dealing with my oven.  (The less I use my oven when the weather is warm, the more comfortable my apartment will be.)  So, I took my crock pot off the shelf, cleaned it up, and started to prepare the ribs.

Slow cooker ribs are reasonably easy to prepare.  I do them in a simple way:

  1. Take a full rack of ribs and cut them up into portions of 3-4 ribs each.
  2. Pour a full bottle of BBQ sauce (whatever type I like and have in hand) and pour it in the pot.
  3. Place the ribs in the pot, making sure all are covered by the sauce.
  4. Turn the crock pot on high, and let it cook the ribs for 5 hours.
    Note: One may want to adjust the ribs occasionally to keep them all submerged.

If I want to further caramelize the ribs, I may place the ribs on a ridged stove-top grill and cook them a little more on the stove.  But I usually don't bother doing this, as I like the results fresh out of the pot.

Is there a better way to celebrate the unofficial start of summer with Ribs?   If there is, I'll enjoy it later on.... 

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