Showing posts with label White Male Privilege. Show all posts
Showing posts with label White Male Privilege. Show all posts

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Black / Jew Love (don't blame me, that's what THEY called it.)


The other night, RQS and I went to see a one person performance (When Your Soulmate Dies) in an Off-Off-Broadway theater.  As I was led to believe, it was going to be the story of a widower talking about the loss of his wife.  But it was much, much more than that.  It was the performer's way of getting people to open their eyes and see of the injustices in our culture that we take for granted.  And it succeeded in (1) Bringing the audience to laugh until we cried, (2) Lifting the veil off many people's misconceptions of white and male privilege in our society, and (3) Making me wish I had gotten the chance to meet a woman whose life ended way too soon.

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Instead of telling their life story out of sequence (as performed), I will boil the two hours spent here into several (all too short) phrases:

  • White Man meets Black Woman at work.
  • The couple have a successful marriage.
  • The couple develops a very funny Husband/Wife comedy act, but our culture prevents it from hitting the big time. (You'll have to hear his explanation for yourself.  I agree with him,)
  • The wife is diagnosed with kidney failure, cancer and Covid-19 during the pandemic.
  • The husband sees how the culture victimizes women and people of color in themedical establishment.
  • The husband uses his "act" as a catharsis to help him heal

Am I doing him or his performance justice?  Not in a long shot!  Hopefully, you'll go to the Alchemical Theater at 50 West 17th street (12th Floor) in NYC (Saturday Nights at 7:30) and see for yourself.

PS: RQS gave him Permission to Cum.  (You'll have to see him to understand that.)



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