Saturday, January 2, 2021

Now that we're past Christmas....


Yes, Santa is exhausted, and so was I after leaving my brother's place on Christmas.  Lately, I've been getting too little sleep, and slept later than I planned before going to see my brother for the day.

This year, I had my doubts about visiting my brother, as I am concerned about catching the virus. Considering everything, I decided to drive to Long Island to see him and his family. I was an hour later than planned, but just in time to eat.  As seems to have become a habit, my sister in law is being anti social, and only comes out of the bedroom for a few minutes before going back inside.  

It was nice to meet my nephew's girlfriend.  And when I said that I was originally planning on being in her area this year, my brother said that she comes from Seattle.  I said that I knew that, as I was going to mention a 21 day Panama Canal cruise that got canceled due to the virus.  It was a pleasant trip, but not much to say about it


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Ever have a day that you had no energy to do anything?

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