Wednesday, August 31, 2022

I have finally retired!


Although I've been talking about retirement for a while, I was always afraid to pull the cord and take the leap into the unknown.  Well, the other day, an incident at work caused me to do some serious thinking through the past weekend and commit to leaving my job.

I won't say much about the incident that caused me to make my decision, save that I was very tired when it happened.  There is an acronym for things that one should be aware of for those people who are prone to let loose with their feelings: HALT - Hungry, Anxious, Lonely, and Tired.  In my case, I was tired, and bothered by someone who didn't have the ability to interact with me as a normal person would.  (This person is intellectually disabled, and I normally would avoid him to prevent him from getting on my nerves.  But I digress....)

My finances are in decent shape for my age, and I have no significant debts.  So I figured that the best thing for me to do would be to exit the job and step into the unknown.  I handed my resignation in to my boss at the tail end of the day, and didn't bother looking back  Later on, I texted several people that I had left the firm, and two of them were surprised.  One of them even gave me a call to chat, and she mentioned that people in my area were doing a hard job.  (I must agree, it is a hard job for most and one best suited to people who can perform a repetitive task for 8 hours each day. This is why many intellectually disabled people are best suited to work at this place; they can thrive in an environment where they can show that they, too, can make meaningful contributions in the workplace.)

Does this mean that I will never go to work again?  No.  But it means that I will be much more picky in the type of work I do and the amount of work I do.  I can always use a little bit of extra cash....


joanna Santos said...

you beat me by a few months congrats!!!

Marian said...

If you ever get to the NYC region, let me know. It'd be nice to meet.

Retirement is strange, as one has to figure out what one wants to do with her life, and to develop a routine which allows those things to be done. I'm in the middle of doing that now....

joannaS said...

Yes it is strange indeed and after over 33 years of working it sometimes feels like falling off a cliff and yet so glad to have stopped...I am at

Marian said...

Joanna -

Yes, it is so nice NOT to be working. Yet, I miss being able to get myself out the door on a regular basis en-femme and do some meaningful work as a woman. Now, I simply interact with the outside world as such, as long as they don't see my legal ID.


Miracles of modern dentistry?

Long gone are the days where going to the dentist would be this uncomfortable.  Unlike getting a leg amputated in the Civil War, one couldn&...