Sunday, November 10, 2024

T minus Two and counting


As I write this, it's late Friday evening, and we still have some last minute tasks to take care of before our Bermuda cruise.  This time, I have to go through the headache of making sure that everything I need is packed and ready for the trip.  This includes going for a mani-pedi sometime in the afternoon, stopping by Micro Center to pick up some electronic doodads, and getting all my luggage ready to go before Sunday morning.

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I completed basic packing for the trip around noon today, stuffing dresses, lingerie, and other things into both of the suitcases coming along on this trip.  (No doubt that I'll check them against a list I made tomorrow afternoon.)  But I still wasn't ready for RQS to arrive - she was coming up 2 hours earlier than usual.

It was rush, rush, rush to be ready for RQS's train.  And even then, I barely got there when she arrived at the station.  From there, it was off to the bank and then to the pizzeria, as we were both hungry.  After a quick stop at the house, we left for the mall where I had a watch battery replaced.  Unfortunately, I didn't know it at the time, but the watch was broken.  So this was a wasted trip.

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By the time we got home, I could have used a nice nap.  But it wasn't even 7 pm yet.  I wonder how I'll feel after of 7 days on a ship....

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