Showing posts with label Asperger's Syndrome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asperger's Syndrome. Show all posts

Friday, January 29, 2021

I did a nice thing for my ex last night.


The other day, I signed up for a Zoom meetup via one of my meetup groups.  The organizer of this meetup only knows me as Marian, and we have attended many a meetup together.  While exploring meetup get togethers using Mario's ID, I found that my ex was attending the same Zoom get together via a different meetup group.  This posed an interesting dilemma for me. Do I back away, letting her crowd me out of a get together that I was invited to (in person) by the hostess? Or, do I contact my ex, and ask her what she thinks we should do.  So, I contacted my ex, and she backed out of this get together, saving both of us from an awkward confrontation that neither of us wants.

Without saying too much in this forum, I will note that my ex and I are on email/messenger speaking terms.  So I didn't want to ruin things by surprising her with me popping in to a Zoom meetup she was expecting NOT to see me. Ideally, we will be able to rebuild some sort of friendship again, and I don't want to screw that up by an unintended confrontation.

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The games we played were from the Jackbox group.  Years ago, I used to have CD-Roms from which which the "You Don't Know Jack" games could be played.  I'm glad that the owners of this franchise were able to make the leap into online party gaming, as these lighthearted games are perfect for people trying to socialize online via Zoom meetups.  Given what I've been seeing on the TV lately, it looks like many of us will not get vaccinated until summer.  If that is true, then I expect that Zoom meetups will continue to stay popular for a while.

Tonight's gathering had 3 people from the Thursday night gaming group.  A college student made our 4th person, and it was nice to have someone new with us.  However, I don't think he'll be a regular, as he is a young person who shows the stereotypical traits of someone on the autism spectrum.  Does this young man have Asperger's?  I'm not trained to diagnose him. However, given how he described his roommate from a prior semester, I feel that he may fit that mold.

Next week, the meetup is scheduled for Thursday.  If that's the case, I might not be able to stay long, as I have my Zoom meetup with my friends in Texas.  This would have been a perfect time to show the ex that we could have shared meetups without conflict.  But I doubt that this will happen....


Thoughts about a friend and her husband

  I had lunch with a friend the other day, and noticed that she may be a little divorced from an objective reality.  A society needs objecti...