OK, this is only a slight exaggeration - I don't find my energy until the afternoon is half over, and it doesn't make sense to do many things. Yet, I feel that my lethargy is getting in the way of life as I once knew it.
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One of the problems I have is a reluctance to deal with people when advocating for myself. It's my simple reluctance to have potentially stressful interactions with people coming to play. By nature, I am not a dominant person. Instead, I am a person who likes to head off in one direction with as little interference as possible. And I have been lucky enough to have the resources to do just that in my adult life.
My lethargy gets in the way of me doing simple tasks such as doing laundry on a regular basis. So, it piles up until I have no other alternative but to do several loads at once. This can be a pain in the ass at times, but I've noticed it getting in the way of being social with others. Yesterday, I had a meetup that I went to, but could have just as easily bailed out on it - I was tired enough to have stayed in bed a bit longer.
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With all that being said, I still find it energizing to go out in the world as Marian. Being my true self provides me with the energy I need to go out and live life. I wonder how many older transgender folks feel the same way as I do?