Showing posts with label Gender Related Clothing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gender Related Clothing. Show all posts

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Sooner or later, I'll have to figure out a way to wear jeans


One of the problems with being transgender is that I have a woman's mind with a male body.  Most of the time, I have a nice combination of the two worlds, as I have insights into both male and female ways of life.  This has allowed me to give good advice to TCL as she navigates the dating world and sees how flaky men can be when they have the upper hand.  (The demographics of senior life can be a bitch when one looks for a partner.)  But this combination gets in the way when I shop for clothes, as the lower half of my body prevents me from wearing many garments well.  Jeans are among those types of garments.

Women have bigger hips than men.  Any trouser like garments I want to wear from the women's side of the aisle must have stretch in them so that they fit on my masculine waist.  This is why I tend to wear upper body garments that drape over the middle of my body - I need to hide my waist line (in part because I am fat), draping cloth over areas where my clothes don't fit that well.. This limits what kind of trouser like garments I can wear well, and when I can wear them.

Yet, there are certain situations where a jean like garment is useful - such as when one wants to dress very casually.  And this is where I have problems.  Women's trousers tend to hang in the wrong place and roll down at the waist.  So I have avoided jeans for my wardrobe.  But I have embraced leggings under tunics.  So, I may consider jeggings in the future, as they look like jeans and fit like leggings. It's a compromise, but not the one I really want: a pair of women's jeans that also fit my body well (an oxymoron, at best).

Monday, October 9, 2023

Keeping up with the laundry is so hard to do


Last night, I did two loads of laundry. What shouldn't surprise me anymore is that most of the clothing I was laundering was that of the female gender.  Yet, it does at times, as I find myself doing more and more things in my female presentation.  

With the above being said, I was surprised not about the contents of my laundry basket.  Instead, it was the surprise that I found another two loads more to do, and may have a third in a short while.  Given my age, I am fortunate that I can make it up and down the staircase to the laundry room three times (or more) when laundering my clothes.

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Unlike many cisgender males, this transgender woman prefers to do my own chores, albeit in a simplified masculine way.  This means that I look for garments that are able to be washed in warm water, even though they may be dried on a hanger or rack.  Yes, I have my delicates.  But they are few, and washed more carefully than my other garments.  I am the same way about dishes in the sink.  I wait until I have enough to spend a few minutes with my hands in hot and soapy water.  I am not in a rush to use my dishwasher, but when I do, everything is in its place.

In short, this transgender gal is a result of her masculine upbringing.  The little tasks that cisgender women are trained to do from girlhood are not tasks which I am good at.  Instead, I do "just enough" to keep things from falling apart.  In that way, I am very much like my father. I could have done worse than to have had him for a role model.

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Many women of my age say that a good number of men that they meet are looking for "a nurse and a purse."  One noted that a man she met was looking for another wife in the "June Cleaver" mold - someone you screw on the bed to get the housework done.  Luckily, I am not that kind of person.  All I ask for is a little bit of encouragement for me to get my needed things done, and I will do the same for her.  Thankfully, I have that in RQS. 

Ever have a day that you had no energy to do anything?

  Today, even waking up felt like an effort.  Although I might have gained consciousness around 9 am, I wasn't out of my bed until 11 am...