Showing posts with label Internet Memes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet Memes. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

An internet meme with some of my thoughts.


The other day, I saw this meme on my Facebook feed.  Having friends who own cats, and having had cats myself, I figured that it would be the perfect post to share.

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I've said before that my life does not revolve around being transgender.  Instead, this is only one aspect to who I am.  As I've gotten older, I have broadened my interests to include photography, painting, travel, and performing arts such as music and the theater.  However, I have no developed much of an interest in things that are typically masculine in nature, such as sports.  I couldn't give much of a hoot about who wins the World Series or Super Bowl unless one of my home teams is playing in the event.  Although I understand much about what makes a car tick, I don't have to suffer through someone "Mansplaining" things to me, as I am always in male mode when I bring my car in for service.

Today, I had two events which necessitated my appearance as Mario.  First, I went for my third booster shot for Covid, and had a flu shot at the same time. After a couple of hours, I then had to appear at a co-op board meeting where we discussed some issues (which I won't discuss here) with the owner of our managing agency. If it weren't for these two things, I would have gotten dressed as Marian and done some serious window shopping at a few stores.

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Returning to the cat at the top of this entry...

Anyone who has had cats will appreciate the above image.  Most cats have a habit of using their claws against furniture and other objects.  As much as I'm glad that my apartment no longer houses fur babies, I still miss the cat that attached itself to me for 17 years.  However, without someone who could take care of a cat when I'm away, I will avoid adopting new fur babies to keep me company.

I got a call the other night about DCD

  When I "sold" my old Honda Civic to DCD, I gave him a car in almost perfect repair.  A year or two ago, I replaced the car's...