I've been trying to find the time to see this piece of fluff for a while. And for the price I paid, it was worth every cent. If you lived in my area of the world 25 years ago, you'd hear and see their ads all over the place. Their jingle was easy to remember, said what the firm was all about, and how to contact the firm:
Celino aand Barnes
Injury Attorneys
It was a short jingle with lots of ads imprinting the Celino and Barnes firm into your memory. The play is a send up of the origins of the firm and how it self destructed. And if you can get there between the time you see this post and January 26th, do so!
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I wasn't sure if I was well enough to go into NYC for the play. First, it was cold outside, and I still felt a bit weak from the cold I'm recovering from. Yet, I first had lunch with my friend from the census, and then went back home to order my tickets from the Theater Development Fund (tdf.org). Although I bought the cheapest tickets I could get, there some tickets that listed in the 3-digit range. There was no way I was going to spend that amount of money on an Off-Broadway play. If I have to, I'll sit in the cheap seats, and strain my eyes a little.
Given that the day was bitter cold, I dressed in a sweater dress, with both tights and a slip underneath. I was cozy (for the most part) during the short times I was outside, but I knew I'd be warm during any time spent indoors..
Around 4:30 pm, I drove to the Croton-Harmon train station, and started to regret my decision - my legs were achy, the bitter wind was at my face, and I wasn't sure if I'd get a close spot in the parking lot. My worries about parking were for naught - I had a spot close to the parking meter, and had 20 minutes to spare before the train came. (And this included a prior stop at the gas station to fill up the gas tank.)
The trip into NYC was uneventful, as well as my trip from Grand Central to the theater. Once I picked up my ticket, I went to Starbucks for a bite to eat before returning to the theater. And this is where buying the cheap seats paid off. Theater staff were placing all ticket holders as close to the stage as possible. If I had gotten there earlier, I could have had a front row seat. But I didn't need one to see everything - there was only one row in front of me, and I had a good view for the show.
Celino v. Barnes must not be taken seriously. The two actors in the title roles are way over the top, as well as the script. And that's what makes what could be a dry and boring tale into something enjoyable. The authors of the play have distorted the real story about these two men into something that can be best described as parody. Hopefully, this play will be staged again in a larger venue.
Going home was much easier for me. I was no longer achy. Yet, I still had my lingering cough. I was able to catch the non-stop from NYC to Croton, and was home in 48 minutes (excluding the drive from the train station to my apartment). On the whole, it was a good day, and well worth my initial discomfort.