Showing posts with label Illness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Illness. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

I was still feeling ill enough to cancel lunch plans with Vicki (a short post)


I almost thought I'd be well enough to have lunch with Vicki today.  But a laughing fit while watching TV with RQS proved me wrong.  So, I reluctantly put off lunch - and wisely so.

But first....

For the past few days, I've been kept awake by my unpredictable coughs waking me up as I was about to fall asleep.  It's amazing that I've been able to stay awake during the daytime lately.  Yet, I digress.  RQS got up an hour later than I did, and we started watching YouTube videos.  One of which was a video by Gabriel Iglesias ("Fluffy") talking about a "Racist Gift Basket."  And I ended up laughing so hard that my cough was triggered continuously, and I almost choked.  At this point, I decided to text Vicki to tell her that I couldn't make it to dinner.

Around 2 pm, Idropped RQS off at the train station, then picked up a slice of pizza as I was hungry.  After leaving a message for Vicki on her phone, she was finally able to get back to me to confirm receipt of my messages.  Then, I ended up going home for the rest of the day.  

At least, I'll be seeing my GP tomorrow.

Monday, January 27, 2025

A short post about a "Butt Dialed" phone call.


Today's post will be a short one.  Although I'm getting over my cold, I am tired and don't want to be distracted later on....

The other day, I got a phone call from my former cruise partner (FCP).  Given how exhausted I was feeling that day, I didn't message her until several days later on.  Those of you who have read my blogs know that our relationship didn't end on a happy note.  So I wondered why she called.

Given that I didn't know what she wanted, or whether the call was accidental, I decided to send her a text message.  I belatedly wished her a Happy Holiday season, and acknowledged the call, noting that I was sick and had the ringer on my phone turned off.  There was no way I could focus on a phone call that day, as it tool all the energy I had to go about my daily business.

Will she call again?  Will she respond to my message?  Who Knows?  But I will try to answer the phone next time, as long as I am able to do so.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

A quick trip to Poughkeepsie and back.


RQS had several things on her docket that had to be taken care of today.  First, we had to take her dress to a seamstress to be altered to fit properly.  Then, it was up to Poughkeepsie to pick up some clothing RQS had ordered and delivered to the store, and finally, to pick up a space heater to replace one which was recalled.

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Given that I am still recovering from a bug, I didn't get moving until 2 pm, not leaving the house until 3:30 pm.  Our first stop was at the seamstress's place, where RQS spent $50 to get her dress altered.  After we left the shop, we took Route 9a into Peekskill.  Along the way, we saw a gathering of fire trucks (and maybe police cars) blocking the entrance to the Cortlandt Train Station parking lot.  There was no way that I was going to stop and find out.  That could be done later after we got home,

About an hour later, we were up in Poughkeepsie to pick up the package waiting for RQS at Lane Bryant.  Although I parked at the other end of the mall, I figured we could stop into Target before going home.  Sadly, my GI Tract told me that I had to make it home pronto, and that's what we did.  By the time we made it home, I just had enough time to take off my coat before I took care of some important business.

Once done, it was off to the kitchen to start preparing dinner.  After shredding 2 chicken legs w. thighs, we started cooking some string beans, chopping up some scallions, and cooking some noodles before tossing everything into a skillet with peanut sauce.  Yum!  RQS even went back for seconds!!!

The rest of the evening was uneventful.  "Z Nation" was on the idiot box, and we enjoyed some mindless entertainment for the rest of the night.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

It's going to be a long weekend.


I'm very glad that RQS will be with me this weekend.  However, am still not feeling that well, and I would rather retreat into a cozy bed and be left alone until I'm ready to emerge from my cocoon.

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We just changed management firms at my complex, and I have yet to set up online payments via their portal.  This morning, I was awakened by one of their staff calling me in response to an email I sent about an inability to use their portal.  Sadly, nothing much was accomplished, as they have problems on their send regarding account setup.  Since this is not a major issue, I will not worry about it.

The real thing that bothered me about today was that my cold is still around after a week of dealing with its symptoms.  I still need cough syrup to make things more bearable, and to be able to rest for a while.  I still need to take aspirin or acetaminophen to deal with my achy joints, and I still feel like I'm running at no more than 75% or my normal self.

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Right now, I have cleaned up some stuff in my bedroom, putting things into an empty drawer, as well as filling up another donation to be taken to the drop off point.  There are still too many articles of clothing in my closets, drawers, and storage containers for my own good. Yet, I figure that each bag I donate is equivalent to at least one or two storage containers holding clothing I no longer wear.

When RQS gets here, we will be doing a lot of running around.  RQS has to replace a couple of items which have been recalled, as well as pick up some clothes waiting for her at Lane Bryant.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Celino v. Barnes


I've been trying to find the time to see this piece of fluff for a while.  And for the price I paid, it was worth every cent.  If you lived in my area of the world 25 years ago, you'd hear and see their ads all over the place.  Their jingle was easy to remember, said what the firm was all about, and how to contact the firm:

Celino aand Barnes
Injury Attorneys

It was a short jingle with lots of ads imprinting the Celino and Barnes firm into your memory.  The play is a send up of the origins of the firm and how it self destructed. And if you can get there between the time you see this post and January 26th, do so!

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I wasn't sure if I was well enough to go into NYC for the play.  First, it was cold outside, and I still felt a bit weak from the cold I'm recovering from.  Yet, I first had lunch with my friend from the census, and then went back home to order my tickets from the Theater Development Fund (  Although I bought the cheapest tickets I could get, there some tickets that listed in the 3-digit range.  There was no way I was going to spend that amount of money on an Off-Broadway play.  If I have to, I'll sit in the cheap seats, and strain my eyes a little.

Given that the day was bitter cold, I dressed in a sweater dress, with both tights and a slip underneath.  I was cozy (for the most part) during the short times I was outside, but I knew I'd be warm during any time spent indoors..

Around 4:30 pm, I drove to the Croton-Harmon train station, and started to regret my decision - my legs were achy, the bitter wind was at my face, and I wasn't sure if I'd get a close spot in the parking lot.  My worries about parking were for naught - I had a spot close to the parking meter, and had 20 minutes to spare before the train came.  (And this included a prior stop at the gas station to fill up the gas tank.) 

The trip into NYC was uneventful, as well as my trip from Grand Central to the theater.  Once I picked up my ticket, I went to Starbucks for a bite to eat before returning to the theater.  And this is where buying the cheap seats paid off.  Theater staff were placing all ticket holders as close to the stage as possible.  If I had gotten there earlier, I could have had a front row seat.  But I didn't need one to see everything - there was only one row in front of me, and I had a good view for the show.

Celino v. Barnes must not be taken seriously.  The two actors in the title roles are way over the top, as well as the script.  And that's what makes what could be a dry and boring tale into something enjoyable. The authors of the play have distorted the real story about these two men into something that can be best described as parody.  Hopefully, this play will be staged again in a larger venue.

Going home was much easier for me.  I was no longer achy.  Yet, I still had my lingering cough.  I was able to catch the non-stop from NYC to Croton, and was home in 48 minutes (excluding the drive from the train station to my apartment).  On the whole, it was a good day, and well worth my initial discomfort. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

I still wasn't feeling up to par today.


I decided not to go to a meetup today, as I was still feeling a little bit under the weather.  The soreness at the back of my throat has eased off, and I don't ache as much as I did yesterday.  Part of me wants to break open a bottle of Amaretto, mix it in some Hot Chocolate and relax.  Yet, this is not the time to have a drink, unless it's hot tea.

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When I got up this morning, I saw a dusting of snow on the ground. Given that places further South of me would likely have more snow on the ground, I decided NOT to go to Ikea today for the nightstand I wanted to put together.  Instead, I stayed in bed, in my jammies, covered by a warm blanket, trying to stay comfortable.  And for the most part, I was successful.

Occasionally, I would check my email to see what was going on, and noticed that I had a delivery both from my online pharmacy and from  So I went downstairs to pick up my packages, and found what could be the precursor of a big bill in my mailbox.  AARGH!

Coming back upstairs, I opened the box from Amazon and found the dish drying rack I had ordered.  Hopefully, this rack will prove more convenient to use than the old rack. After putting the new rack in place, I made some pasta for dinner, and then got back in my jammies to rest as comfortably as possible.  

What I didn't mention is that I received a call from an acquaintance - which I didn't pick up.  I was not in the mood to talk with anyone today, as I would be focusing more on my aches and pains than the conversation at hand.  Hopefully, I'll be in the mood to call her later on in the week.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

I'm not feeling as well as I would like. (a short post)


For the past 2 days, I have been feeling achy, with my jaw,neck,elbows, knees and knuckles wanting to crick much more than usual.  I figure that this is related to the after effects of a bug that struck me on Friday night and the air pressure change caused by a storm coming up from the south. Now, I understand what my parents felt at my age when they said they could forecast the weather based on what their bones were telling them.

There is a part of me that wishes RQS could go home, so that I could prevent her from being infected with my cold.  Unfortunately, she's been with me long enough to have caught this bug on her own.  I will miss having her around when she goes home, so there's no way to win when one partner is sick.

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Being ill and not being able to sleep has got me thinking - what do I want to see happen to my property when I pass?  I have no children, so I will need to deal with a will, a health care proxy, power of attorney, and other paperwork needed to make things happen the way I want if I'm incapacitated or dead.

There's a lot to think about as I get older, and I want to get things right before I need these documents in order.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Returning to Reality After the Cruise


We returned my place in Croton and were exhausted, something that always seems to happen to us after a cruise.  I am not sure whether it was from waking up at 4:30 am with minimal sleep, or whether it's because we're just getting old.  A third possibility exists for me, as I've been coughing and feeling a bit achy today.

When we arrived at my place, we decided to rest a bit.  I couldn't fall asleep, yet I was tired all day.  Eventually, we needed to go out and get something to eat.  So, it was off to a local Mexican joint for dinner. We wanted to go to a place where we could hear each other speak, so the two closest Mexican joints were out of the question. So it was off to the "new" Mexican joints in Croton. We were pleased that we made this choice, as the place was busy, yet quiet.  We could chat without shouting for a change.  I ordered  the Fajitas while RQS ordered the Enchiladas Mole.  Both were very good, and made us put this place on our list of go-to restaurants.

Our next stop was at Stew Leonard's in Yonkers.  $120 later, I had enough food to restock my larder. But I was running out of energy.  After 1 more stop at CVS for cough medicine, we were home for the night.  Hopefully, I don't have anything more serious than a common bug....

PS: While at the new Mexican joint, I received a text from the firm supplying me with a new CPAP machine.  Why they would send this the night before my appointment is a total mystery to me.  So, I clicked on their link for a facial scan, and also gave them information on both my health and the CPAP Mask I prefer wearing.  Since I know more than the average newcomer to CPAP use, this was a waste of my time.  But, I know that certain inefficiencies need to be tolerated, so that adjustments for the individual can be made ahead of time....

PPS: The facial wasn't needed when I picked up my new machine and new mask. Why they bothered with this extra step befuddles me!

Friday, July 28, 2023

RQS's cat stayed alive just long enough to see her one last time.


Cats.  Those who have them love them.  Those that don't often do not understand how these animals attach themselves to us, and how we bond to them.

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RQS 's cat has been ill for a while.  We didn't have a clue about what the problem was, but we knew that it was related to the cat being 18 years old.  Things started out with this cat not being able to control when it had bowel movements. Yet, after a visit to the vet, the cat seemed to be responding to medicine, and was regaining control - or, so we thought.

Recently, RQS had to put one of her cats to sleep.  It was both an emotional and financial decision, as this cat was "only" 13 years old.  When RQS was confronted by the knowledge of the treatments this cat would need, without any assurance that the cat would survive, RQS made the hard decision to put the cat to sleep.  As she said, it was her "husband's cat", a cat that never recovered from the death of RQS's husband. Putting her younger cat to sleep was a very emotional decision for RQS, and she knew that she would soon have to do the same for the older cat - "her cat", as she called it, as it attached itself to her when it was a kitten.  Sadly, today was that day.

This morning, I dropped RQS off at the train station, and she had an uneventful ride home.  Despite a very healthy appetite, the cat had been losing weight for a while.  However, she saw that this cat could not control its bodily functions any longer as she entered her apartment.  The cat was very weak.  So, off to the vet she went, and it was the day she feared.  "Her Cat" had to be put to sleep, and she was crying all the way home.

Chatting afterward, RQS sadly noted - "We won't have any scheduling problems anymore with our cruises."  To me, that's a sad byproduct of a heart wrenching loss....  Both of us would prefer to deal with the problems associated with this very lovable cat....

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Things seem to be conspiring against me.

No, don't think that I feel that I'm being paranoid.  It's simply the random rolls of the dice that are getting to me today.

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Lately, I've been reserving Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays to be with RQS.  Unfortunately, she was sick last weekend, and will likely be sick this coming weekend.  (She's playing it safe, keeping away from people for a minimum of five days, as per CDC recommendations.)  So, that leaves me with a Friday I can spend with others.  One problem - I'm already booked to see one person for lunch, and two other people want my time as well.

A week ago, FH suggested that we get together on a Friday for a leaf peeping trip in the Hudson Valley.  This is the type of trip I want to do with RQS before all the leaves are off the trees.  Another woman (from a meetup group) wants to change our dinner night from a Monday to a Friday, as her work schedule has changed.  If I were unattached, I'd have no problems seeing either of these women.  But I am attached, and do not want to risk what I have with RQS for a "distant" friendship.

I don't mind putting off Friday's lunch date for a week to see one of these two women, but I don't like making anyone unhappy.  So, I might have to let FH go, since she's the higher maintenance one of the two women.  (The other two know me, and see me as Marian.  FH only sees Mario.  This becomes a simple choice for me, but one that will sadden me a little.)

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

And sometimes, I even get phone calls.

Last night, I was talking to Maria for the better part of an hour.  She needed someone she could talk with, and I was the designated recipient of the phone call.  So, I listened to her vent about her husband's illness, her daughter's chemical imbalance and irresponsibility, and the breakdown of her computer.  Today, we had plans to talk with each other when she got off of work.

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This morning, I had totally forgotten about Maria's call as I went about my day.  Not having that much to do, I had the TV on in the background when she called. It seems as Maria was helped by last night's chat, as she was telling me about the sequence of events for her day - work, dropping the computer off at a fix-it shop, and then taking her husband for continuing medical care.

Maria is the type of person for whom doing the right thing isn't enough to keep bad things from happening.  When her first marriage ended, she was left with only the roof over her head.  For 6 months or so, she was sleeping on a bed she borrowed fro me.  Her ex-husband had taken almost all the furniture in the house as he left.  Her second (and current) husband had his own issues that I won't go into right now. It is the aftermath of these issues that is adding to Maria's problems.  Couple this with a daughter who is irresponsible, a grandson that Maria is raising, and a granddaughter on the way, and Maria is highly stressed.

Sadly, I don't see a happy end in sight for Maria.  Her husband is not the type of person who could advocate for himself that well, and seems to have given up on life.  I hope I'm wrong, but I'll be there for my friend of several decades when the worst inevitably happens.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Ending the week on an off note

I only had a visit to Arts Westchester on the docket for today,  Last week, I said that I'd be making a return visit - and my contact at AW forgot that I was coming.  So she wasn't prepared for me when I arrived.  Yet, there was work that I could do that involved miscellaneous office chores . And I did that work for a couple of hours, until there was no more work to do. On the way home, I got a call from WDJ telling me about the first meeting of her new meetup group.  It didn't go as expected, but what first gatherings go as planned?  I wish her a lot of success with the group, and then remembered to sign up for it when I got home.

As you can guess, there wasn't much to occupy my day.  Since I was very tired when I got home, I stripped off my clothes and took a nap.  GFJ would likely not be coming down tonight, as she wasn't feeling that good.  Hopefully, she'll feel good enough to go for her hike tomorrow (with dinner afterwards).  If not, I'd better start looking for a meetup to go to on Sunday.  Or, I should prepare to drive to Long Island (in male presentation) to see my family. No matter what happens tonight, I still have no idea about what I'll be doing come Sunday....

Attending a meetup

  It's been years since I belonged to this meetup group.  The woman who sponsored it had gotten divorced, closed her restaurant, and mov...