Thursday, October 17, 2024

Bermuda Cruise 2024 #1 - Bermuda - Port Day (10/02/24)


The day opened with us rushing out to breakfast, so that we could make a 10:15 am bus to the Crystal Caves.  This time, we made it to the MDR, and enjoyed a leisurely meal before going outside to meet the bus that would take us to the caves.

Riding any bus in Bermuda is a trip.  No, I don't mean that the ride would be uncomfortable, or strange things would happen on the ride.  Instead, one will see beautiful vistas on the way to almost any destination, as the main roads often have picturesque ocean views worth capturing on one's camera.  However, it will take at least an hour to get from the Royal Naval Dockyard area to reach St. George or the Crystal Caves.  So make sure one doesn't need to use the rest room until one reaches the destination, as the twists and turns will aggravate one's bladder....


When we arrived at the Caves, we didn't know what to expect, save that we'd be underground and that we'd be seeing limestone formations.  We weren't disappointed.  One enters the cave from a point  which is over 125 feet above sea level, and takes a set of staircases to reach sea level.  This is where the tour begins.  After being told the history of the caves, one walks across a pontoon bridge to the far end of the cave, all while being amazed by the rock formations.  At the end of the cave, the tour guide talks a little more, then turns out the lights to give people an idea of what the cave looked like to its first explorers.  And then, it was back out the way we came, getting clammy climbing a staircase with a temperature of 80°f in 95% humidity.  Once outside, the first thing I did was buy a much needed bottle of ice cold water for the two of us.

Next, it was off to see a lighthouse, and then back to the ship.  Although we were back before 2:30 pm, we didn't want to do any more exploring before the ship left port at 4:45 pm. While at the pier, I asked the security guard if I (presenting as Marian) would have trouble with security at the pier if I came with male ID, and he gave a strong NO.  That's all I needed to risk taking the next cruise with RQS presenting as a female.

It was frustrating to know that our stay in Bermuda was being cut short by inclement weather, it was good to know that this was being done for the safety of the cruisers.  Yet, I wish we could have stayed longer  After a short rest, it was off to another specialty dinner, this time at the Butcher's Cut steakhouse.  As expected, the meal was wonderful, but I couldn't finish the lamb chops that were put in front of me.  But, I left enough room for dessert, 3 scoops of lemon sorbet.

After dinner, RQS went to guest services to explain some charges on her account.  We found out that we had been given both a $50 onboard credit and a $50 refund of port fees.  Not bad.  But it couldn't compensate us for the loss of 2 days in Bermuda.  Yet, I doubt that there's much the cruise line could do to make people feel better about the loss of 2 days at this port, especially after reading a letter from the ship's captain telling us that they did try to find other ports that we could visit on this cruise.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Bermuda Cruise 2024 #1 - Sea Day #2 (10/01/24)


Last night, ship time moved forward 1 hour, adjusting for the time zone in use in Bermuda. So this meant that we had to go to the buffet for breakfast, and got there just in time - some of the stations were already changing over for people to have lunch.

After breakfast, it was back to our room.  While there, the captain made an announcement.  Due to inclement weather expected in Bermuda later in the week, the ship may have to adjust its schedule in port for the safety of its passengers.  As a result, we made sure to book our excursion to the Crystal Caves for tomorrow, and let someone else handle the logistics of the trip.  (We had originally planned to take Bermuda's buses to reach the caves, but we didn't want to wait outdoors if it were raining.)  

Later on in the day, we started to get dressed for gala night.  While dressing, the captain announced that we'd be cutting short our stay in Bermuda, and that we'd have an extra 2 sea days before returning to New York.  RQS got dressed in a formal dress with a sparkling red jacket, while I dressed in a dark grey suit.  (I wish I could be wearing the dress on this trip, but I digress.)  Our first stop was at a photography station, where the two of us posed for several pictures.  Then it was off to the MDR for gala night dinner.  Lobster was on the menu, and I paid extra for an extra portion. Although it was a bargain at $5 for the extra portion, it wasn't a cold water lobster tail.  Both RQS and I noted that it was lacking flavor.  At least we had another nice conversation with the couple sitting next to us.

Unfortunately, we missed the late show in the theater.  So it was back to our cabin to watch a movie while the VP candidates had their debate.



Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Bermuda Cruise 2024 #1 - Sea Day #1 (09/30/24)


RQS and I started the day by going to the main dining room (MDR) for breakfast.  Service was slow, but the food was as good as we'd get from our local diner.  This was more than acceptable to us, as we'd eat more responsibly than if we went to the buffet.

Now that we were fed, we explored the ship a little before going back to our room to rest.  After the chaos of yesterday, we knew to pay attention to our bodies and sit on the balcony while the room steward cleaned up the room.  Both of us were able to start reading some books we brought with us, and we chilled out until it was time to get a snack from the buffet.

For those who haven't cruised before, the buffet can be a madhouse during prime breakfast, lunch and dinner hours. We went for our snack about an hour and a half before dinner, and found the place mostly empty.  So we grabbed some pizza, sat down by the window, and proceeded to eat.  Unlike the list time on MSC, the pizza was very doughy - but very filling.  It was a tasty treat, but not one to enjoy when going to a specialty dinner 2 hours later.

Around 6, we went downstairs to have the first of our 3 specialty dinners.  This dinner was at the Ocean Cay seafood restaurant.  There were 5 main course choices for us to choose from.  Anything else on the menu would be half price.  Both of us chose the crab cake for a starter, and it was very good - one could both taste the crab and feel the texture of the crab.  Yum!  Next was the main course.  RQS had the Dover Sole, while I had the Cockerel.  The waiter made a mistake and delivered Tuna to our table instead of my Cockerel.  Seeing the dish, I should have ordered that, even though I enjoyed what I ate.  Neither of us could finish our main courses, but we left enough room for dinner.  RQS had the Tiramisu, while I had the Creme Brulee.   Again, both were very good.

RQS noted that the atmosphere of the ship reminded her of a shopping mall, and that the restaurant felt like a nice shopping mall restaurant.  She pegged it better than I could.  Would we eat there again?  Yes, but only on the dinner package.  I'd rather spend more money and treat her to dinner at NYC's Oyster Bar.

After another chance to rest and digest our food, it was off to see Rock Circus at the ship's Carousel theater.  The best way I could find to describe this show is a group of circus gymnastic performers doing their acts while another group performs a rock tune.  Was it good?  RQS felt that it could be better if much of the acrobatics were kept out of the way of the main performers doing their songs.

By the end of the show, we retired to the cabin for the night.  On the way, we again encountered a musty smell in the hallway.  But once in the room, we didn't notice it and were able to have a deep and restful sleep.

One thing of note that I'm mentioning out of sequence is that RQS is thinking of taking another cruise on this line, but not bothering to get off the ship.  This, of course, would be a cruise taken as Marian, and would be done in an inside cabin.  Like my first cruise on MSC, we'd be able to spend a week away from home in an inside cabin for under $1,000.  Not a bad deal, if I do say myself....

Monday, October 14, 2024

Bermuda Cruise 2024 #1 - Embarkation Day (09/29/24)


Today was the long anticipated first cruise to Bermuda.  And we had to get up early to make it to the ship, simply because we didn't want to risk traffic jams getting in the way of us reaching the ship in our allotted time frame.   (I had to go to the drug store to pick up some fiber pills, and then pick up breakfast sandwiches to tide us over until we reached the ship.  

The last 2 times I was at the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal, it took me over an hour from the time I arrived to the time I boarded the ship. Lines formed outside the door of the terminal, and then snaked through the terminal to the security checkpoint, and then to the reception desk where my photograph was taken before boarding the ship.  This time was different.  We arrived at 2 pm instead of noon, and we were on the ship in less than 15 minutes after arrival. (This is much better than the last time I was here!)

We found our cabin without problems, but there was a musty smell in the corridor.  Could the ship have a problem with ventilation and de-humidification?  Who knows?  Once in our cabin, we didn't notice it that much.  Once we had our cruise cards, it was back downstairs to where I could connect my charge card to my onboard account.  After this, we went to our muster station to check in, then to the specialty restaurant reservations desk to schedule our specialty meals - Seafood, Steak, and Mexican.

Later on, it was off to the main dining room for dinner.  Unlike the last time I was on the ship, we had a short line to wait on before being shown to our table.  I chose the French Onion Soup, the Prime Rib, and the Catalan Creme for my meal.  How was it?  I felt the soup was so-so, as I've had much better on Princess and NCL.  The prime rib was 3/4" thick and covered with gravy.  Was it tasty?  Yes.  But I feel that the gravy masked what was good (or bad) about this cut of meat.  Finally dessert came.  The best way to describe Catalan Creme is to think of a Creme Brulee without the scorched sugar coating on top. While at dinner, we met a nice mother/daughter pair from Brooklyn who were taking a cruise together.  RQS and I both enjoyed chatting with this couple, and we figured that they were gaining something from my knowledge of Alaskan and Hawaiian cruises.  Hopefully, we'll meet up with them again on gala night.

After dinner, it was off to the main theater to see a magic show.  But first, the cruise director was prepping the audience with a lot of meaningless things to cheer about.  (Shout if you are from "xxxx!" type stuff.) And then he wasted a lot of time plugging the branded jewelry store on the ship.  The magic show started 20 minutes after we arrived at the theater. Were the magicians good?  Yes, but their show was too short. It was in and out, without satisfaction - like many experiences I've had in the past. :-)

Once back in the cabin, RQS and I noted that both the food and service on this ship was acceptable.  I noted that my criticisms of my last cruise may have been related to the weather we experienced.  But then, I was looking at cruising, assuming a different price point's value for services provided.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

By now, I should be back from my cruise.


By the time you read this, I should be back from Bermuda.  Last year, I took this ship from the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal and had an almost forgettable trip.  But then, I'd have liked to forget it, as it was mostly 7 days of bad weather sailing, with a port diversion geared to place us in safe waters in between two nasty weather systems.  (I'm glad I wasn't on the cruise after this, as the ship ended up cruising to Canada in Med-December, instead of the Bahamas as originally planned.)

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RQS and I planned on taking only one Bermuda cruise this year.  But we ended up scheduling two Bermuda cruises.  This will give me a rare opportunity to compare two ships, two cruise lines, two sets of dining & drink packages, and two equivalent cabins.  It's going to be interesting, as we will find out whether RQS likes the price/value equation on MSC enough to consider another trip on this line.

As I'm writing, I am taking care of last minute packing, laundry, and other little things I need to do before going away.  When I get back, I hope to be able to have some interesting things to say about this cruise and entertain you with my commentary. When I sort things out at RQS's house, I'll bet that I've packed way too much for my own good, and may prune things before we go to the pier. 

Although this trip will be done with me presenting as Mario, we're hoping that the next trip will be done with me presenting as Marian.  It'll be nice to wear some pretty dresses for gala nights....

Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Sleep Test Results are in!


Today ended up being the last day I was going to present as Marian for a while.  So I made the most of it when Vicki mentioned that she wanted to talk about something serious, but not critical.  Instead of laying around the apartment and doing nothing, I told Vicki that I'd meet her at 5 pm, and we could get a bite to eat.

Although I started getting ready around 3 pm, I was late getting out of the house, and barely made it to Lefteris Gyro on time to meet Vicki.  (The food is healthy, plentiful, and reasonably priced.  What more can you ask of a restaurant.  When I arrived, Vicki was already waiting for me at the table.  I almost didn't recognize Vicki at first, as she had her hair scrunched to the back of her head, exposing the area which alopecia has taken its toll.  (I made sure NOT to say anything about this.)  And then we got into our conversation.

I'm not going to say much about the conversation, save that it was related to health issues.  I mentioned that I got a call from the sleep doctor's office today telling me that I have severe sleep apnea, that I'd be getting a new CPAP machine and put on a regular schedule of new supplies.  YAY!  The only problem is that it will take 2 weeks to get approved by my insurance, and another 2 weeks before it arrives.  AARGH!  The way things are going, it will arrive when I'm away on another trip.

On my way home, I called RQS, and found that she was having trouble with printing a luggage tag for our upcoming cruise.  Since I couldn't solve the problem from a moving car, I suggested that she contact MSC to figure out what was wrong - and she now has a luggage tag for her suitcase.  Next, I stopped at the bank to deposit a check, then onward to home.

Arriving at my house, I met a new resident - a nice woman raising a child on her own.  Although I don't want to get her in trouble, I figured that I should ask our managing agent for information to find out if she's an approved resident.  Then, it was doing the last load of laundry before my trip.  

I can't wait to get on the ship!

Friday, October 11, 2024

Game night, and I wasn't initially in the mood.


Although the above game is often played at game night, tonight was not the night for it.  Instead, we played a card collection game which I do poorly at, but enjoy the company of the crew at our Host & Hostess's house.

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But first....

The weather was crappy again today, and this meant that the driveway work originally scheduled for Tuesday and rescheduled for Friday won't be done until next week.  AARGH!  That means I will need to visit my brother and leave my car at his place for a week.  Considering that I only trust him to drive the car AND that I hate giving up my keys to anyone, I will feel a little bit naked and vulnerable when my brother drops me off at RQS's place on Saturday.

Around 5:00, I started to get ready for game night.  It would likely be the last time I would be presenting as Marian for the better part of a week.  But once ready, I sped to Yonkers (I was late as usual) and made it for the second game of the night.  Because the weather would likely be a little chilly, I decided to wear a flowing tunic top over leggings - the first visible female garments other than dresses and shoes that I've worn since early Spring.  Given the humidity, I should have stuck to  one of my dresses.  At least I know I have to start rotating my clothes for the season soon.

Was I glad to get out of the house?  Yes.  I needed somewhere other than my apartment to be in for part of the night.  But I'm also sad that I will need to present as Mario as soon as Saturday comes.

Bermuda Cruise 2024 #1 - Bermuda - Sea Day #3 (10/03/24)

  The day started by the two of rushing to get showered and dressed in advance of the 9:30 am cutoff time for breakfast in the main dining r...