Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Monday, Monday - but I'm not complaining.


OK, so it's the start of the week. As usual, I stayed in much of the day, as I really don't like getting out of the bed until the afternoon.  

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When I looked to start my next letter to my meetup group's pen pal, I found out that I didn't finish last week's letter.  So I figured that I'd close up that letter, and send it out today.  Hopefully, my pen pal will enjoy receiving it.

On other matters, I ended up going out for the day as Marian.  I wasn't that busy.  It was a simple shopping run to the Wegmans in White Plains.  Considering that I needed to get some prepared meals for the week, it was best that I make the drive today, as the weather forecast for tomorrow calls for 2" of snow.

Arriving home, I picked up my mail.  Inside was the last 2 packages from my last order from Amazon - a chin strap for use with my CPAP mask, and a set of scissors for trimming nose hairs.  How interesting.  Yeah, right.  But these items are rarely found at the local drug store, and have to be ordered online.  I only wonder how people lived without being connected to the internet - and that's what we did until 30 years ago.  It's amazing how things have changed in our lifetimes!

Can I say that I did much?  Not really.  But I did get myself dressed up and out the door as Marian.  If I had more places to go, I might have gone to them.  Sadly, the pandemic is getting in the way of life - and will be doing so for the near future.

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