Sunday, September 5, 2021

From what I can tell, it looks like my ship is going to sail ...with or without me


I've been looking for information on cruise ships scheduled to return to service, and it looks like the ship doing this 18 day cruise is scheduled to resume service soon.  The cruise line is looking to service its Alaska, Panama Canal, Coastal California / Mexico, and Hawaii routes this fall.  

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Right now, the prices are still very reasonable for the cruises given everything, and I may just drop the hammer on one of them.  Alaska is out of the question for me.  But Hawaii is still a reasonable possibility.  All depends on my employment situation.  Part of me wants to get a new job, as that will provide me with spending money without draining savings.  Yet, another part of me wants to travel as Marian, and a Hawaiian cruise would give me the opportunity to do just that.

With one of the 18 day cruises, I will have a minor headache to deal with: Traveling home shortly before Christmas, during the worst of the holiday rush.  Do I really want to do this?  If I were to drop some extra coin and do another cross country train trip, I would be in-transit on Christmas day - either on a two day leg from the West Coast, or waiting in Chicago's Union Station for my connection to New York.  

Is this the way I want to spend a holiday?

What would you do if you were me?




Mandy Sherman said...

It's a personal thing... You have to make the decision. But here are some thoughts. If you typically have family to spend the days before the holiday, and the holiday itself, or a job, maybe not. Bu the pandemic may also fit into that decision at that time. If the above are all clear, then from our son's travels, the holiday itself usually isn't too bad for traveling.

Good luck making your decision!


PS: If you go, pay for trip insurance!

Marian said...

These days, good trip insurance is a must!!!!

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