Monday, October 10, 2022

By the time you see this.... (a short post)


By the time you see this post, I'll have returned from my cruise.  I'm looking forward to getting on the ship and spending a week and a half with RQS away from our troubles.

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It's been a while since I've cruised with anyone, and the last cruise was a disaster.  My former cruise partner (FCP) and I had a blow out, and we never were able to patch things up.  (There is more to the story - regular readers will know what I'm talking about.)  Although FCP said that we could have recovered our friendship if the problem was just our cruise kerfuffle, I doubt that.  The troubles we experienced at the end of our cruise made it clear that I no longer wanted to ever cruise with her again.

So, it's with a little bit of worry that I go on this cruise with RQS.  Will 10 days together strengthen or weaken what we have together?  Who knows?  But she is much more level-headed as a lover and friend than FCP was as a friend.  I'm grateful that I'm with someone who has no drama in her life....

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