Monday, September 16, 2024

Get me to the church on time!


This weekend, my next door neighbors finally got married after living here for several years.  They are a nice couple who knows me both as Marian and as Mario. Hopefully, they will make use of the wedding photo album I gave them.

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Thinking about churches....

Every so often, I mentioned to RQS that I'd like to attend services at the local church now and then. This Sunday, RQS surprised me and actually wanted to attend a service with me. Both of us got dressed in nice summer dresses, and drove to the church.

Things were the same, but very different from the last time I attended a service at the church.  They had both a new priest and a new deacon, and some of the faces I remember from when I last was there in 2022 weren't there this time.  Yet, it appeared that RQS was comfortable with the Sunday service, while my back was bothering me when I stood up for a while.  Eventually, the service ended, and I was surprised that the deacon did some volunteer work at the LGBT center I used to volunteer for.  I was glad that some people remembered me, and that RQS was welcomed as well.  Both RQS and I enjoyed the service for similar reasons - it provided an emotional connection to our pasts. And I think we'll end up going there again sooner than later.

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One of the things we've been talking about is taking another cruise, this time on MSC.  Will we do this?  Who knows?  It all depends on many factors, including the timing of my next co-op board meeting.  I keep checking on last minute cruises, and it looks like we might be able to afford one if the stars are in alignment.

While I'm on the subject of cruising, RQS and I have decided to write off one of the "Benefits" of Princess Promotions, and use our usual travel agent to book flights, hotels, and transfers for next year's Alaska cruise.  RQS had some sticker shock when she heard the price of the hotel stay.  I mentioned that it is no more expensive than the hotel in which we stayed in London.  This helped assuage her concerns.  But seeing a price of $1,000 for a 2 night stay in San Francisco is enough to give even me some some a little bit of sticker shock.

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For the most part, our day was over after we finished our breakfast at the diner.  But it was worth the effort to get up early and have a change of pace....

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