Showing posts with label Gym. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gym. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Closing out a weekend - a tiny post


RQS and I woke up early, so that I could drive her to the gym for her weekly meeting with her personal trainer.  Both of us were tired and didn't want the weekend to end, but....

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The last time I drove RQS home, it was hot and humid, and the car was in danger of over heating.  Today, it was cool and the drive was uneventful.  As much as I'd have liked to go car shopping on the way home, I didn't have the energy to do so.  So, I drove straight home to rest.

Now that I was home, I had a choice: change into Marian mode and go out food shopping, or stay as Mario and do the same.  Given that I had at least one load of laundry to do and prep for the next day at work, you can guess what I did.....

The darned has been assembled, and the old chest is gone!

  The chest has finally been assembled, and the old one is out of the house.  But this wasn't the simple thing that it sounds like.   - ...