When I "sold" my old Honda Civic to DCD, I gave him a car in almost perfect repair. A year or two ago, I replaced the car's exhaust system, and the car was running as quiet as when the car was first in my possession. The other night, I found out how badly DCD is treating his car, and it made me sad. He is not responsible enough to drive a car, much less own one.
NDC (as i called her in a prior post) called me right after I put a load of clothes in the dryer. She told me the story of how DCD screwed up the exhaust system on his car, making it sound like a convention of Harley Davidson motorcycles driving on the open road. He lost his temper, sped through her complex, hitting a speed bump and making the exhaust system worthless. But this wasn't all. He is now homeless and lives out of the car. The other day, he ran out of gas, leaving his car in the middle of the street. NDC lent him her charge card to buy a gas can and to fill his car. But he dawdled enough, that she worried that he absconded both with the car and her charge card. She was almost ready to call the police when he returned. NDC was livid. DCD's car was still in the middle of the street a couple of hours after DCD called her for help.
DCD had medical appointments the following day, as part of making preparations for his upcoming cancer surgery and chemotherapy. Without a car, he won't make it to those appointments. I expect that without the right help, he will die alone in his car - if he even gets to keep the car. As for me, I don't want the car back when he dies - it will cost me more to fix it than it is worth. At least, he and those around him will be out of their misery.
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