Our ship was situated outside New York harbor until roughly 5 am, when the ship started to make port in Brooklyn and end our cruise. The above picture was taken from the ship's port side camera's TV feed. It's far from the same view when taken from a balcony cabin.
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Neither RQS nor I got enough sleep overnight, and I was awake from 3 am onwards. Around 7 am, we went to the main dining room for one last time for breakfast. A lady at the table next to us was on the same cruise I was on for my first MSC cruise, and had similar opinions as I did regarding that cruise. Luckily for us, this cruise was much better all around - the food was better and the entertainment was better. Yet, service was still hit or miss. Our conversation turned to the day's politics, and people at the table next to her joined in - none of us liked what the Orange Snowflake was doing in DC.
Once breakfast was over, we killed time waiting for our disembarkation group to be called. Our number was called shortly before 9:30 am, and we proceeded to pick up our luggage and kill time inside the terminal, avoiding having to spend excess time in the cold waiting for a ferry that would take us to Atlantic avenue where we'd summon an Uber. I noticed that staff was allowing handicapped people to take a shortcut and bypass the snaking line leading to the Customs/Immigration stations on our way out of the building. So I told RQS to take out her cane, and we saved 15 minutes which we'd spend waiting for the ferry. The ferry came at 10:35, and we were at Atlantic avenue by 11 am, and the Uber got us back to RQS's place by 11:30 am. However, I would still have to wait before I could go home - my brother couldn't pick me up until 4 pm. So, I rested a while, and my brother arrived when expected.
We were at the family homestead 30 minutes later, and we discussed what was needed to bring the house up to snuff for rental. In addition to absolutely needed repairs, we may end up adding a half bath in the basement to increase the rent we can charge. Then, finally, I loaded my bags into my car and drove home. With a stop for dinner and some food shopping factored in, it didn't take me long to get home. Finally, I can sleep in my own bed again!
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