RQS has been discombobulated this past week, all because of a medical issue. And that has resulted in a sort of mental fog which has caused both forgetfulness and clumsiness which have been frustrating at least. Yesterday was the culmination of a week where the brain fog cost us both time and money....
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Our plans for the day were to wake up at 6 am, so that we could get to RQS's neighborhood by 10 am. This is where we were to pick up her phone at the store of a fellow who found it. So, when the alarm woke me at 6, I fiddled around a little, and then prepared to go out for the day as Marian. RQS followed suit, and by 8:15, we were out the door and headed for Queens. Both of us were relatively silent, as we weren't fully awake yet.
Arriving in Queens, we had a minor disagreement (do not stress that word, it was a light difference of opinion) as to where we had to go. Thankfully, we had Google Maps to guide us - the store we had to go to was on the other side of the subway station. If we didn't follow directions, we'd have wasted a few minutes getting back to where we needed to go. So I parked the car in front of the store, and RQS came back with her phone and all of her cards.
We had time to kill before lunch with friends. So it was off to the bookstore to have some coffee and to buy a book or two. On the way, we had to stop at an ATM and get some money. Luckily, both the bank we needed and the bookstore were in the same neighborhood, and we didn't have to drive too far before being able to settle down with a cup of Joe.
Next, it was off to White Plains. We were lucky to get there when we did, as they were starting to reroute traffic for a St. Patty's Day celebration. (Why they didn't wait until the next weekend befuddles me, as it would have been March 15th, and not March 8th.) This eliminated the cheap 2-hour metered parking that we wanted, and forced us to use the "expensive" parking lot under the building the restaurant was housed in. Once parked, we met our friends and had a great lunch. I won't say too much about this couple, save that they are as ethnically mixed as RQS and I, and that we have similar feelings about the world.
Finally, we were on our way home around 3:30. After a quick drugstore visit, we were home for the night. And even here, the fog still affected RQS, as she lost some stuff she'll need to replace tomorrow. Let's hope that the fog has completely lifted when she wakes up in the morning.