Showing posts with label Medicare Part D. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medicare Part D. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Marian was a very busy girl today.


Work kept me busy for most of the day.  But my evening was busy too....

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As my readers know, I go to work presenting as female.  Weekends are usually spent presenting as a Male, as I have a girlfriend who prefers to date a male.  So, today was a rush - I had to get home and change into a male presentation to spend an hour zooming with my ex-boss.  And even then, I only had an hour to chat with him, as I had to make it to the drug store and pick up my prescriptions.

Changing from Marian to Mario is normally a 30 minute task.  First, I have to remove my makeup.  Next, I have to strip, then put on a masculine outfit. Finally, I have to switch wallets.  And I did this in time to tell my ex-boss that I'd be late for our zoom meeting.  But once we connected, I wish we had more time to chat - my visit to CVS had to be made before 9 pm to pick up my prescriptions, and  I had to get my clothes into the laundry, so that I'd be done by 10-10:30 pm.

At CVS, I found out that my insurance had transitioned to the new insurance plan.  However, there was a problem with my test strips.  No wonder why people sell glucose test strips in a black market - there is no reason why I have to pay 10 times as much for something that costs pennies to make.  Next time I choose a Part-D plan, I'll look for one that covers these strips - if they are available in a Medicare plan.

By the time I was done with CVS, it was time for laundry and to put my ID back into my female wallet. This is a gift I could use at Xmas time, as the coin compartment is always opening when in my purse.  However, I'll have to buy this for myself when the holidays come.  At least I'll have it before going to Hawaii....

Monday, August 1, 2022

A visit to the doctor's office


Normally, I feel very tired when I get to work.  Once the initial jolt of caffeine has worn off, I start dragging for most of the rest of the day.  Today, I ended up breaking my routine, as I took a half day off from work for a doctor's visit.

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This was my first doctor visit using my new insurance.  Hopefully, I won't have any problems with it.  With my Medicare supplement (Part-G), I only need to pay $20 for a doctor's visit.  So I may end up spending less money (for a while) on Medicare than I did on my former Obamacare plan.  While there, I told my doc NOT to change prescriptions yet, as I had to get things straightened up with CVS/Caremark.  I've had a membership number for several years, and now it looks like I'll have to reregister for mail order prescription service - and may need to use another email address for this new prescription drug insurance provider.  AARGH!

Once done with the doctor, I had to change back into Marian mode for the rest of the day.  I was so tired by the time I got home, that I crashed after a quick dinner.

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One of these days, I hope to be able to go to the doctor's office in Marian mode, as I now do with my dentist.  Considering that this doctor is of Pakistani descent, I doubt that he'd feel comfortable seeing me as anything other than Mario.  So I'll have to wait until he retires to do so with a younger doctor....

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Quickie - A rude awakening


One of the headaches I'm dealing with is switching insurance from an Obamacare plan to Medicare (with all its pieces).  And I'm seeing that there are more levels to this onion than I knew....

In the past, all I'd need to do to change insurance companies is to show my new card to each service provider.  Now, I have to make sure that all the secondary components (Parts B, D and G) are paid for and are in sync.  This may be the easy part of things.  Getting all providers to switch over the card (issues with Part D, drug coverage) is something else.  I've just fount that Caremark has no ability for me to make this change online.  Therefore, I might have to open up a new Caremark account (with new email address) AND get my doctor to write new prescriptions for everything I need.  AARGH!

Why did I have a rude awakening?

In the past, I paid $50 for a 3 month supply of test strips.  Without coverage (remember, Caremark does not have my new plan on file yet), the same strips cost $350.  AARGH!  No wonder why poor people go without.  Our system is designed to rip off people by default.

As you can guess, I now support single payer health care.  This will never happen here, but it is a nice dream....

Monday, July 25, 2022

Bills, Bills, and More Bills


This is a month where I'm doing serious damage to my credit cards.  I've planned for this "disaster" for months, and now the piper wants his due.

Today, I paid for the tires installed on my car this past weekend.  Shortly, I will be placing the charge for the Hawaii cruise I've been writing about for a while.  Am I nervous about spending this money?  Yes.  If I weren't nervous, I wouldn't have the money available for me to spend.  Too many people have said, "Marian, you've got the money - spend it!"  It's because I don't spend it with reckless abandon, that I still have money to spend.

I am looking forward to my Hawaii cruise.  It will be a little over 10 straight days spent in Marian mode.  Getting on a plane makes me nervous.  No, it's not because I'm afraid of flying.  Instead, it's because I fear the headaches of going through security and having something trigger a more thorough security scan.  It could be the metal in my underwire bra.  It could be that I forgot to pack something in my checked luggage that is in my carry on bag.  Who knows?  I'll have to contact Kim and get some advice.  

There are a lot of small bills that come in through the month, and I haven't seen the first of my Medicare Part-D bills yet. Nothing shows up on Mint or my Bank Statement.  So I wonder what's up.  That'll be a call for tomorrow....

Ever have a day that you had no energy to do anything?

  Today, even waking up felt like an effort.  Although I might have gained consciousness around 9 am, I wasn't out of my bed until 11 am...