I should start out by saying that I knew that this would be a busy day. What I didn't know was how much this day would take out of me.
But first....
My doctor visit was scheduled for 10:45. I knew that it would be a long visit, as the doc tends to run late with his late morning appointments. Today was no exception. Even though I arrived at 10:45, the doc didn't see me until 11:10-11:15 or so. Again, the doc is changing my medication mix to get things where he wants them. However, he didn't say anything about one of the drugs he wanted me to start on a while back - before we knew that it could be covered by my formulary.
After seeing the doctor, it was off to the deli for a breakfast sandwich, and then home to rest. One problem - I thought my car service appointment was for 2 pm, and not for 1 pm. So I didn't have much time to rest. Luckily, I live 15 minutes away from the dealership's service department, and got there on time. So, I was back home by 3 pm.
I couldn't take a nap. So I ended up watching YouTube videos until the Co-Op board meeting started. Before everyone joined in, I found out the current state of our finances - and they weren't as good as I'd like to see them. Later on, I found out how our former management company fouled things up. In short, their arrogance and lack of adequate communication with the board and co-op shareholders is the root cause of our difficulties. All I can say about this is that I'm glad that we have a good accountant and a good lawyer we can count on if things go bad.
And finally, I got a text from DCD's ex-girlfriend (I'll call her N for now). He really screwed up this time, and no one's going to help him get out of his mess. DCD has been sleeping in his car for a while, and let his car insurance lapse. N has been giving DCD work to pay some of his bills, and she wants to be done with him. If N's boyfriend were to find out how much she still helps DCD, he'd leave her. So, she keeps what she does for DCD a secret from her current boyfriend. Recently, DCD received some money from his mom and gave N a token payment for all the money he owes her. You'd think that with the rest of the money he had, he'd bring his car insurance up to date. Wrong. A few days ago, he had no money, and asked N for some money to get gas. N gave him $20, and told him to take a gas can, walk a mile or two to the gas station, and return to the car with gas. Under no circumstances should he call AAA or similar roadside aid for help. DCD ignored her, and called for a tow. Someone ran his plates, and found that the car wasn't insured. DCD's car was towed to a pound, and he was left without transportation. He now has 30 days to bail out the car and get it insured, or the car will be gone for good. (And with that, there goes any chances I have of getting the $2,100 he still owes me for the car.) To make things worse, he broke into N's place, and is now squatting in her garage.
If it were me, I'd consider being honest with my current love, and telling the truth., If N's boyfriend were to leave, then he isn't worth her time. She needs to kick DCD out of her place once and for all. He is sick, and needs help. He still uses N's place for his mail, so that he can keep Connecticut residency. One problem - he shouldn't be listed as living there anymore. What would you do if you were N? What type of help should DCD's parents give him, even if it is to steer him to a shelter and public assistance. (Remember, DCD has had two operations on his brain, and might qualify for public assistance, being physically/mentally unable to hold a full time job,) It's a dilemma for which I have no solutions. And I can say that I didn't depend on him paying me off for the car....