We finally got moving time to go to the main dining room for breakfast. This is often a miracle, given how RQS likes to sleep late (and I have little reason to interrupt this). However, we will need to get up very early for us when Sunday comes, as we will need to be out of the cabin before 7:30 am.
But first....
Sea days on a cruise can be very relaxing. However, on this ship, there are absolutely no places where one can relax in a place designed to be quiet at all times outside of one's cabin. The design of this ship almost forces one to spend money, as there is no library or card room in which to escape the racket in the common areas. For example, we got out of a show around 10:15 pm, and the ship was holding a loud dance party in the atrium/galleria - a place in which we'd need to walk through on our way back to our cabin.
Today, we got up early enough to get breakfast in the main dining room. Unfortunately, so did so many other people. To make it worse, the 8 am crowd didn't make it on line until 9 am, as many forgot to set their clocks backward the night before. So, we ended up being part of an overflow crowd which was treated to far from spectacular service for breakfast. RQS complained (not at me, but venting with me) that they didn't pay much attention to her multiple requests for water until I raised the issue. In short, it was another one of those "Ignore the woman, Pay attention to the man" moments that most women find bothersome. At least, we were able to avoid the buffet for another day.
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Dinner tonight would be another chance to get dressed up for dinner. I will make sure that RQS and I get to a couple of photo stations before entering the dining room. This way, we would be able to get at least one nice picture of the two of us to frame. And this we did, getting several sets of pictures from different photographers. To make things better, we met our friends from the first 2 nights; dinners, and exchanged phone numbers. So we'll be able to meet up with them the next time we're near DC.