Saturday, August 13, 2022

Eleanor Roosevelt - Val Kill


The last time I was at Val Kill (Eleanor Roosevelt's home), I was with XGFJ and we enjoyed the visit to the place.  This time, it was a bit warmer, and the "tour" shorter.  I guess with "Large" crowds, they prefer to give their presentations outside and tell people what to look for as they make their quick passes through the building.  Luckily, we didn't have to pay for the visit, and we enjoyed the chance to see grounds that appear much like they would back in the time that she and FDR loomed large in American politics.

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But first....

RQS and I took our sweet time in getting up.  First on our list of things to do was a trip to the tailor to pick up a pair of trousers the man had hemmed for me.  Next, we went North to Val Kill with a slight diversion to pick up some items at the store.  By the time we made it to Val Kill, I knew that I was going to have GI tract issues.  So I was very glad that the tour was short, as I was indisposed for about 30 minutes.

On our way back to the car, we were able to get a few pictures by the pond - and this was one of the highlights of our visit.  The above picture does not do the site justice.  It's a place where one can take a lot of beautiful pictures.

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We left Val Kill around 3:30, and went to BJ's so that RQS could pick up a Chromebook just like the one I have.  She loves it as a backup machine, and for $120, it's a steal.  No, it's not a great machine.  But it is the type of machine I think should be given to all students upon entering school, so that they can do their computer based work with a machine which is kept up to date without the help of a school's "Technology Department".  After BJ's, we went for tacos at the Mexican take-out joint in Croton. And then we made it home for the night. 

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