Showing posts with label Outpatient Surgery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Outpatient Surgery. Show all posts

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Vicki's Finger


The Fickle Finger of Fate.  Showing this award from the old Laugh In show makes sense today, as my day ended up being dedicated to how the fickle finger of fate affected Vicki's finger.

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A while back, some idiot driver totaled Vicki's car, and caused one of her fingers to get broken.  One problem - the finger didn't heal properly, and she now has a minor disability: the warped finger that can not bend.  Several months later, virtually nothing could be done to improve function, but something could be done to improve her hand's appearance. Today was the day that her out-patient operation was scheduled to fix the finger as best as could be done.

Even though I was already awake, my alarms got me moving and into the shower before 9 am.  I had just toweled myself off when Vicki called to make sure that I was up and moving.  (I asked her to do this yesterday.)  As a result of this preparation, I picked her up at 10 am, and dropped her off at 10:20.  Now, it was time for breakfast....

My original aim was to get to McD's around 10:30, and order some stuff from the breakfast menu.  However, they had already switched over to their lunch/dinner menu by the time I got there.  Since I wanted something with eggs and sausage, I went to the bagel shop down the road for my late breakfast.  Given what I ate, I think I got lucky - a simple sausage and egg sandwich on a poppy bagel with a large coffee and a 16 oz OJ cost me less than what I'd have spent at McD's and tasted better than McD's offerings.

Next, it was off to Danbury to kill some time.  When I received a text that Vicki would be going into surgery, I figured that it was time to get ready to drive back to Mt. Kisco.  So I got in my car, and was at the out-patient center by 1 pm.  And then I had to wait for almost 2 hours. as it took much longer than anyone expected for Vicki to get out of recovery and get dressed to leave the out-patient center.

Vicki was famished, so the two of us went for lunch. 45 minutes later, we were on the way home for the day....

Friday, November 8, 2024

A long drive to see someone who has a short time left to him.


What else can I start the day with but a mention of a long drive?  My cousin has terminal cancer, and I wanted to see him in the hospice while he's still alert and able to appreciate the visit.  (I wish I could have done this for my uncle in California, but he died before I had the chance to do so.  This is why I'm spending a day on the road, which I'd rather spend packing for my upcoming trip.)

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This would be a day I had to spend as Mario.  So I took my ID and money out of my female wallet and transferred it to my male wallet.  When one lives in two genders, one has to always be aware of the gender in which one is presenting and who one is meeting during the day.  It can be a major scheduling effort some days, but one well worth the effort when one is forced to live this way, female to close friends, family and many acquaintances, while male to others.  Otherwise, one can easily be outed when one is not ready to do so.

Around noon, I set out for New Jersey.  Although I hit some traffic, I was able to reach my cousin's nursing home/hospice around 2:00 pm.  (The minute one sees the land the church owns here, one can make a justification to eliminate the income tax exemption given to religious entities.  But I digress....) I drove into the complex, and about 1/4 mile into it was the nursing home/hospice which my cousin was admitted into yesterday.  They had no official receptionist by the door, so I had to rap a few times before I was let in.  And then the nurse showed me the way to where my cousin was sitting.

When I first saw my cousin, he looked like he was at death's door, and it got slammed on him a few times.  His arms were black and blue (likely from the times they had to put a needle in his veins, or from the blood thinners he likely takes - I should ask my niece about this one day) and he could barely talk.  We made conversation for a few minutes before my other cousin arrived.  I talked a little bit more, but saw that my cousin was very tired - and it was time for us to depart.

On my way home, I called Vicki to find out that I had double booked events for tomorrow.  To make room to bring Vicki to the hospital and back for a day surgery, I had to postpone lunch with my friend from the census.  From having a lunch and dinner get together with separate friends, I was now taking care of Vicki - something I was more in the mood for anyway.

When I arrived home, it was time to fold laundry.  I have underwear and socks to last me for the cruise.  Now, all I have to do is fill up my suitcases....

It'll be nice to get back into a dress tomorrow.

I don't know what to make of this

  I don't know what to make of this.  When I first saw the video on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, I thought it was one of Kimmel's jokes.  ...