I accidentally deleted my original entry for the day. However, I found this birthday card, and picked it up because it reflected my sense of humor.
In many ways, birthdays don't mean that much to me. The reason they don't is that I rarely had someone to celebrate them with. As a youth, I didn't have many friends. In middle age, my wife had passed away, and there was no stable relationship with a person who cared to mark this day with me. And now, its only meaning is to note how much closer I am to death.
Recently, I booked a cruise, and looked at the travel insurance price charts. Each year I get older, I have to pay more for the insurance I need for the cruise. Then, I thought about turning 65, and having to enroll in Medicare. So many things start to kick in as one gets older. Social Security Full Retirement Age (FRA) Distribution starts for me at 66 1/2, and I have to start taking Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) by the time I turn 72. Each year denotes something, and not all of them are pleasant.
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There is a person whom I'd wish a Happy Birthday to, that I am no longer in contact anymore. (She has said things about me that I won't repeat here - her anger regarding a screw up of mine hasn't dissipated in over 2 years.) Hopefully, she'll see this and enjoy the sentiment of the card above.
At least, I found this card funny....
As they say - Getting old is better than the alternative....