My journey towards femininity, with all the bumps in the road. Who knows where this road will lead? But it certainly will be a prettier road, and one well worth traveling.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
My day started with a chat while listening to Perry Mason
The one routine I try to keep every morning is to turn the TV to an "Oldies TV Station" and watch Perry Mason. Occasionally, I'll sit at my computer desk and read my email wile the show is playing. But I try to never get into a conversation while the show is on - it's a moment of sanity in the insane world I have to deal with.
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This morning, I was responding to email and messages while the show was on. And I got into an online chat with a friend while "my show" was playing. I was not yet awake enough to chat on the phone, so I deferred the chat until later on. And then, I went back to bed and rested for a while.Later on, I got moving and had a bite to eat. Part of me wishes I didn't, as my scale says that I've gained a bit of weight since Thanksgiving and that I must get back in the habit of eating normally.
In the online chat, the subject of my former cruise partner (FCP) came up. I mentioned that the main reason I cut off all communication with her was that I do not like being ordered to do things, and that she was trying to order me around as if I were her child. You might recall (from my previous blog) that I got annoyed when she started to tell me how to cut a piece of steak. Well, I grew up in a household where my mother knew no limits of privacy nor where her limits of control were. It is no coincidence that I moved over an hour away from my parents. Unlike my brother, I never had to endure any unannounced visits from my parents, nor did I have to worry about my mother going into my closets, cabinets, or drawers when I was not around. FCP pushed my buttons, and when she went too far, I knew that I would never go on another cruise with her again.
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I got delayed in doing laundry this afternoon, as I got into a conversation with our co-op's superintendent. He's a good fellow, and we found out that some information regarding his employment wasn't transferred to the new managing agent from the old agent. This put the co-op in an awkward situation, as we were not aware of this issue before our end-of-year meeting. So we will be addressing this issue next month, in order to resolve the issue in an appropriate manner.
Once my laundry was done, I drove to Beacon for the dining meetup. I was 15 minutes late, and was not able to sit with the main group of people. Instead, I ended up sitting with one lady, her husband, and a couple of their friends. This was the first time I got the chance to speak to this lady without her brother being around, as well as the first time I've gotten the chance to speak with this woman's husband. It might have been fortunate circumstance that I arrived at the restaurant a little late after all.
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On the way home, I stopped at Walmart to find some sweats for my dad. Unfortunately, the Fishkill store was sold out of everything near my dad's size. So I may have to order some sweats online and hope they get here before Xmas....
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Please tell us the names of the friendly and welcome restaurants. I have not yet been to Amercord or Pinderica but the other night I was able to get out and headed to Beacon for Thai food. It was a slow Tuesday night with crappy weather and the Thai place was closed. Pinderica was closed. Chill was closed.
I went to Baja 328. I sat and ate by myself as usual but there were no raised eyebrows or craned neck and I had the best burrito I have ever had. It was huge and full of great stuff.
Pat -
Let's put it this way. I'm finding acceptance at a lot of places. If anything, the wait staff at the restaurants have always treated me properly, and I haven't noticed any weird looks. If you want to attend a meetup group in your area that would be accepting, there is one that meets every other Thursday in the Peekskill-Mahopac area. (Think of the Route 6 corridor.) Just don't mention my name, please, as the organizer and I don't get along these days. (I've told the story in my previous blog.) It helps to go to these restaurants while attending group functions, as restaurants don't want to alienate groups who can bring in 20 paying customers on a semi-regular basis.
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