Showing posts with label Handicap Scooter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Handicap Scooter. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Eastern Caribbean Cruise - Sea Day (02/01/25)


This would be the last day for us on the ship.   This would be the last day that we could leave our towels on the floor and have them replaced with clean ones by the room steward.  This would be the day where we would have to pack our suitcases and leave them by the door, so that we could pick them up at the pier. And this would be the day that I'd start itemizing what the cruise line did right and did wrong, preparing to write an email to the cruise line's customer service department.

But what would I write about?

Well, the first thing that comes to mind is the questionable service in the main dining room for breakfast, brunch, and lunch.  Unlike dinner service (where you sit at the same table, at the same time, and are served by the same staff), breakfast, brunch and lunch service has people sitting at random tables, at random times during the meal's dining schedule, and has multiple servers providing uncoordinated service.  One could place a meal order with one person, have a bar order taken by a second person, and food delivered by a third.  It seems like no one is talking to each other during morning and afternoon meals, leaving many cruisers unhappy.  To make things worse, our lunch server reached over the table next to us to hand us our dessert plates.  If I were running a restaurant, this would be unacceptable service.

Like the closet in my studio cabin on my first cruise with this line, the closet in our cabin has hinged doors.  This is not a problem when a cabin has enough space for doors to open, like our current interior cabin.  But this is a big problem for the line's studio cabins, as the opened sofa-bed blocks the doors, and limits access to the closet. Unlike other cruise lines, the space in this cabin is not designed to store much.  In my interior cabin on last year's California Trip, I had at least twice as much space to store things than I have on this cruise - in a similarly sized cabin.  I will likely suggest that they retrofit the closets in their studio cabins to use sliding doors, as this would be a great benefit to future cruisers.

Yet, there are good things I can say as well.  The comedians on both of my most recent cruises were good, and made us want to see them more than once. We were both Food served in the main dining room was plentiful, albeit under-spiced to many Americans' tastes.  (It's easier to add salt to a dish than to take it away.)  Dinner service in the main dining room was very good, and everyone there was very attentive to our needs. We didn't need to dine at any of the specialty restaurants, and we were glad we made the choice not to do so.

Readers may notice the scooter in the hallway at the top of this entry.  Our steward said that MSC doesn't have a policy against scooters being left in the hall.  This can be a big problem in case of an emergency.   There is not enough room for a wheelchair to roll through the hall when a scooter takes up more than half the hall's width.  I'll be sure to note this as a major risk factor in my email, even though I didn't want to complain while onboard the ship - why make things harder for people who need these scooters and ruin their cruises?

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Back to our day....

After breakfast, we had to pack.  So we both loaded up our suitcases and readied them for the transport from the ship to the pier.  Then came our last lunch and dinner in the main dining rooms.  We said farewell to our waiter, then it was back to the cabin to finish packing.  We were mildly disturbed by the steward when he came for the beach towels.  Yet, this was the perfect opportunity for us to hand him a tip in person.

Both of us felt as if our belongings had grown while we were on the ship.  As I write this, I'm hoping that I packed my large suitcase to its capacity and left enough room in my backpack and carry-on to handle the rest of my stuff.


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Eastern Caribbean Cruise - Port Day (01/27/25 - San Juan, PR)


This was another day that we chose to wake up late.  Unlike yesterday, the main dining room was not open for lunch.  So, we went to the Mexican restaurant onboard to get our first meal of the day.  And, as expected, it was yummy.  RQS noted that the tacos were as good as the local taco joint in her neighborhood - they were that good.  As for me, I knew the tacos were good, but was underwhelmed by the burritos - too much cilantro for my taste.  At least, the flan was as good as expected.

By now, the crowds were off the ship, so we left the ship a little after 2 pm.  On our way off the ship, one lady had a problem getting her scooter over the lip separating the carpeted from the non-carpeted area of the 4th floor.  So I did the helpful thing, and got her front wheel over the lip, and the driving wheels would do the rest.  Next, there was another person in a scooter in front of us.  People weren't making way for him, so I bellowed out "Make Way!  A scooter is coming down the ramp."  (It didn't help that they closed down one of the gangways to re-provision the ship.  We'd have been off the ship in half the time.)  Once the scooter was lifted onto the downward ramp, getting off the ship was easy.

Now on dry land, the heat and humidity started to get to us.  We walked a little through the older part of San Juan, and then headed back to the ship for dinner.  Sadly, our new friends may have chosen a later dining time, so that dinner wouldn't feel rushed.  For us, today was our quickest dinner, as we were out of the dining room in less than 90 minutes.


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Eastern Caribbean Cruise - Port Day (01/26/25 - Puerto Plata, DR)


The ship made port at 12:00 noon, and we made it to lunch at the same time.  We were in no hurry to do much of anything, and there would be no need to hurry until the end of the cruise.  So, there was only one drawback for me in waking up early - there was no uncut fresh fruit in the room for me to nosh on to sate my hunger.

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We went to the main dining room for lunch, and this time, service wasn't bad.  Yes, there was a minor mistake.  But it was nothing to complain about.  (Later on, we'd find that 90 people started their contracts with this sailing.  No wonder why service in the dining rooms was iffy at times.)  After lunch, it was again time to relax.  So we went upstairs to the buffet, where we could read in someplace other than our cabin.

Around 5:30, it was time to go to dinner, and our new friends weren't there.  I guess either of 3 things happened:

  1. They were still dealing with the aftermath of the water pipe bursting at home, and were still making calls from the ship to see that their home gets fixed.

  2. They flew home from the DR, so that they could deal with their issues in person.

  3. They were tired of dining with us (RQS deems this doubtful), and found another table (and time) to dine at.

It felt strange to have a table for 6 to ourselves.  But we enjoyed the meal anyway.

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After another trip back to our room, we went to the theater to see a performer (LsShonda Reese) sing a set of songs by James Brown, Michael Jackson, Lionel Richie and others.  She was a good singer, but I wouldn't have spent money to see her perform - at least, not in a cruise ship environment.

As usual, we now are finding that our next door cabin resident regularly leaves her scooter in the hallway.  Do I like this?  No.  But there's nothing I want to do about this.  It's a pain to house the scooter in the room.  Yet, I feel that she should have booked an "Accessible Cabin" to deal with this issue beforehand. This is something I will bring up when I write a letter to the cruise line's customer service department.  I don't want to get anyone in trouble (especially not our room steward), but I think the cruise line needs a policy for this, as not all cabin entryways have room to park 1 scooter, much less 2 scooters.

Tomorrow, we will be in Puerto Rico, and we may finally get off the ship.


Monday, May 9, 2022

The detrius of someone's life


The other day, I saw this scooter put out in the trash area for bulk pickup.  Given that the scooter likely came from the belongings of a woman who died a few months ago, I feel a little sad seeing the scooter  here to be taken out with the trash..

We all get old, and we all die.  It's just a matter of how and when that these things happen.  For many of us, it's hard to get our heads around the idea of a time in which we won't exist.  Since our lives can end at anytime, it makes sense to plan for tomorrow, but live for today.

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This morning, I came home from a doctor's appointment and met my next door neighbor.  He said that he hadn't heard any noise coming from my apartment and hadn't seen my car move in several days.  If he hadn't seen me come in today, he might have called the police to check in on me.  This got me to thinking: What if something did happen to me?  Who'd care other than distant family and friends?

Right now, my apartment is a total mess.  I'd feel sorry for the people who would be responsible if I were to die suddenly, as they would need to figure out how I arranged things in my financial life and then clean out, freshen up, and sell my apartment.  So, I will need to take care of a few things while I still have the ability to do so.  (No, I don't expect anything to happen to me.  But how many of us do?)

As my readers know, I maintain two wardrobes.  I can only imagine what my brother would think if he saw what was in one of my closets.  Whoever handles the closeout of my life will be in for some surprises.  It's too bad that I won't be around to see their reactions....

I don't know what to make of this

  I don't know what to make of this.  When I first saw the video on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, I thought it was one of Kimmel's jokes.  ...