My journey towards femininity, with all the bumps in the road. Who knows where this road will lead? But it certainly will be a prettier road, and one well worth traveling.
Showing posts with label MHV Dining Group. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MHV Dining Group. Show all posts
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Did someone try to play games with me? You Bet!
Please note: This entry was started over two weeks before you are seeing this.... Things have changed since it was started, and I have edited out some of the stuff which no longer needs to be said.
As I've mentioned here, XGFJ and I have had a strange relationship. We no longer see or talk to each other by phone. But we have communicated online. Unfortunately, much of the communication came from XGFJ's revulsion at the idea of seeing me in female mode.
Towards the end of June, the organizer of the Mid Hudson Valley dining group meetup decided to step down without a replacement organizer. I commented on XGFJ's announcement that she would like to attend my group's dinner, saying that it is a nice group and that we don't bite. Totally innocuous, if I say so myself. And then, I wished XGFJ to have a nice lunch with the HV Live Music meetup group, and XGFJ got livid! She blamed me for the demise of the MHV Dining group, claiming that I was pestering its organizer. (If a polite request given 3 months ago could be the straw that broke the camel's back, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.) She also claimed that that she had made a mistake, thinking that she had signed up for dinner with the Live Music group when she signed up for dinner with my group, claiming that she was pulling out of having dinner with the group. (I don't buy this one bit, as our mutual friend "suddenly" had a new work schedule which kept her busy on Tuesday and Wednesday nights during July, and bailed out of dinner.)
The next day, I found out the truth of why the MHV dining group was shutting down - the organizer kicked out 17 people who complained about the group being closed to newcomers during the pandemic AND that others had expressed their opinions on this as well. The (former) organizer is a little bit of a control freak, and didn't like having her authority challenged, from what I found out from my sources. I now had proof that XGFJ was lying me - nothing anymore she could say to me would have any value. When I mentioned to this source that there was someone in the MHV group who detested my presence (not mentioning that I am transgender), she said that this person should fuck him/herself, and that I should go to any gathering I want.
Considering that I had never been allowed to enter the MHV dining group, I had a chat with the former organizer. This is where I found out that XGFJ had blackballed me, so that she could avoid seeing me. To me, this wasn't a big deal. But outing me to several people was. XGFJ betrayed me - I was outed to at least two (or more) people. So after a late night exchange of messages, I told her that "she lost." A day later, I decided to explain tings and sent the last communication I expect to have with XGFJ. I apologized for my part in destroying what was left of our friendship, and noted that if she had been willing to negotiate access to the meetup groups, neither of us would be angry with each other and that we'd be exactly where we are now, feeling good about each other.
In regard to our mutual friend, I found it interesting that when I made an offer to take her on one of my rail trail walks, that she had a scheduling issue. The reality of what happened is in her later communication with me - she wanted to make sure I say nothing about XGFJ if we meet. Obviously, she values XGFJ's friendship more than getting together with me. Even though I promised that I wouldn't talk about XGFJ if we meet, I doubt that we will have our birthday drink, as she knows her July schedule, but won't give me any open dates. Since I haven't seen her in 5 years, it's no great loss. It just would have been nice to get together for that drink.
As Vicki and I see it, XGFJ may have accepted occasional cross-dressing from me, as long as she could see it as "a guy in a dress". Once my female persona became real to her, she had to leave - she couldn't accept being with a person who was bi-gendered. Vicki and I agree on this, as XGFJ has shown an extreme aversion to seeing me in female form at any time. This is funny, as XGFJ once said that I should be proud of what I accomplished. Since more people accept me than not in either presentation, and that XGFJ is out of my life, I should focus on making my feminine presentation as real as possible.
The other day, XGFJ responded to an email I wrote to her. (See my last entry.) I found it interesting that many of her comments were related to problems she had with me in our former relationship. Why didn't she make things clear? Vicki believes that just hinting at problems is not enough for me to see the seriousness of those issues. Since Vicki and I have been friends for over 20 years, I tend to believe her over someone like XGFJ. In many ways, I dodged a bullet. I could be in a relationship with someone with whom I'd have to ration my time in female presentation. But I could not be in a relationship with someone who can not make her needs understood or known to me. For example, XGFJ complained in her email about me not helping her in the kitchen at her place. What she never understood is that if I never entered another kitchen again, it'd be too soon. I don't enjoy the process of cooking. I barely can deal with the process of heating up food. But I would enter a kitchen and help if asked. Those requests rarely, if ever, came. At least, I know some of the things to watch out for in a possible future relationship I may have.
I hope that one day, XGFJ and I will come in contact at some future meeting. Will she immediately leave the meeting because I'm there? Who knows? But I am not going to be somewhere just because she's there. She hasn't been a friend in many months, nor does she show any interest in being a friend. If I am wrong, she'll have to be more open about it, as I have never been good at reading minds.
Sunday, July 5, 2020
I went to the dentist today, and he was surprised!
Normally, I would have done a "Half and Half" day when going to the dentist. I had scheduled a weekday visit to the dentist (which usually involves me presenting as a male), followed by work (which usually involves me presenting as a female). However, in a chat with the dentist's receptionist, I outed myself to her, and she said that I should come in as a female one day - so I did! And it was fun. More importantly, it was convenient!
Now that I am out to him, I don't have to do any more half and half days when going to the dentist - this will save me at least an hour's worth of time each time I get my teeth worked on. And it is one more step in my path to femininity. But is it worth it?
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A while back, XGFJ said that she feared me being on this path. The reality is that she probably was never comfortable with me, but sent mixed signals throughout our relationship. If she had bothered to express her feelings properly and negotiate, I would have set limits to how far down this path I'd have gone. Now, I have decided to attend meetings of every meetup group that she doesn't want for me to attend - only because I need to show her that she has no right to demand I not attend these groups, her feelings be damned. But I will attend only those gatherings that I'd want to attend because they do something for me other than rub her the wrong way.
I don't know if I'll ever get into "her" dinner group. They like to pick known regulars over newcomers. So it will mean that I have to keep trying for a while and hope for the best. However, if there is a meeting open to newcomers, I'll try for it.
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I won't go into any details about work - that would violate my oath. But we're being kept busy trying to clean up the mess brought upon us by the pandemic. In the past, I'd feel comfortable giving a census job to anyone who applied for one. Now, if the person is immuno-compromised, or in one of the known risk groups, I'll look out for the health of the applicant over the needs of the census bureau. At least, we are moving forward, having places to do our training. Hopefully, we will have a reasonably accurate head count, as required by law....
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Life gets even crazier
Most people who know me are aware that I am an avid Marxist. No, not in the economic sense, but in the comedic sense. Of the brothers, I would have love to have known both Groucho and Harpo - but for very different reasons. Groucho was an underappreciated wit, and a man who, sad as it is, didn't seem to have a happy home life. Harpo was the exact opposite. He was a man who was cherished by all - including his wife and children. No one in show business ever had a bad word to say about him. If I had to choose between these two brothers, I'd have picked Harpo as a friend.
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Casual readers may be wondering why I start off this entry with a mention of the Marx Brothers. Well, the answer to this is that my life seems to be like a script from one of their movies - a thin plot coupled with a lot of insanity.
In my case, things with XGFJ may be coming to a head. A while back, she threatened to expose me to my family. But I blunted that threat. The other day, I signed up for a meetup with "her" dinner group, and she signed up for one with mine shortly afterwards. At the same time, a mutual friend of ours (who might be interested in dating me) signed up for the same dinner. I told her that I'd be attending as a female, and she didn't mind. (I'll bet she knows a little bit more about XGFJ's views than she wants to let on, as I caught her in a statement that XGFJ made to me.) So, to have someone I could count on in my corner, Vicki decided to join me for this dinner with "my" group.
Sadly, I have to plan for the possibility of XGFJ going ballistic. She threatened to out me earlier in the year for attending any of the groups - and refused to work with me on a reasonable accommodation for her discomfort in seeing me. Now that I have blunted her weapon, I feel no reason to accommodate her feelings. She left me because I was putting my female side more and more in public, thinking I was lost in a "pink fog". This was never the case. But without her making her real issue understood to me, she gave up on a relationship that could have worked. Now that the relationship is defunct, everything I might have done for her while in a relationship is off the table. And that bothers her in the extreme.
At virtually all meetups I have attended in the recent past, I have attended them all as a female. It wouldn't make any sense to confuse people by showing up as a male and letting things slip up. (What would happen if I referenced something that only that person and my feminine persona would know?) However, I have also signed up for meetup groups as my male persona, as a male presence would be required there. (Think of singles mixers, etc.) Two of those groups are known to XGFJ, as I attended them with her early on in our relationship. And my presence in any of these groups bothers XGFJ.
So what would you do in my size 13-W shoes?
PS: Our mutual friend also signed up for the theater group that XGFJ didn't want me to attend. Again, she'll be seeing me in female presentation, so I doubt she has as many problems with it as XGFJ. Keep your fingers crossed!
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